Saturday 2 May 2020


Another early start this morning.  I was up at 6am because the Allotmenteers in the temporary coop kicked off and started the group in the purple cube off.

I had to get up at 6.15 anyway, as I needed to change the opening time on the Hentronix openers.   This means swiping a magnet acrodss the control box at the time you want the door to open in future.

I did this, then I let everyone out in to their runs. The noise was horrendous.

I then made a cup of tea, did my banking, caught up on mail, fed the cats, and went back upstairs.   I was very very tempted to get back in to bed, but I know how disruptive that is.    So I farted about, put some washing in the machine,   did some domestics, and eventually had my shower and got dressed.

I'm going to be ready to do some sewing soon.   I got as far as nearly clearing the sewing table this morning,  and I even picked up my work in progress tee shirt and compared it to a shop bought one.

Tomorrow, I'll hopefully be ready to go

I'm trying something new for dinner.    I bought some Baharat spice seasoning months ago, and never used it, and I was really interested to see htis on Maria's blog.   I'm going to make it with pork.
