Saturday 23 May 2020

Girls again

The saga continues.

A few nights ago,  I found that we had only 3 people in the Orange Cube: Gloria (#1 chook)  Violet (recent evacuee who made herself #2 chook), and Fay (bottom, or near bottom, fayoumi).    The other 8 girls, including Poppy (ousted #2(, Fleur,  Bot and Elizabeth (Violet's sisters and daytime companions) all piled in.

The next night,  Gloria was ejected from the Orange Cube too.   She barged in to the purple cube which meant everyone else came out,  so I had to manually relocate her.

After that, I saw that Violet would peck Gloria at every opportunity.

Since then,  they've been all over the place.  I've given up. They can do what they want.

The Evacuees, in the temporary coop,  carry on as normal.  Apart from Annie and her incessant foghorn calling at 5.30am,  they've been no trouble.

It's another month until we get to the longest day,  and I'm going tot have to Do Something.  Annie's calls,  which encourage some of the others to join in,  are starting earlier and earlier.   I have to get up, go out, and quieten them down.     They then stay relatovely quiet for about 45 minutes before they start again, and I have to go and let them out in to the garden.

I don't like letting them in to the garden that early, because of the risk of foxes.

I might have to go back to timed opening of the doors.  We'll still get whingeing,  but maybe it will be a bit muffled.  It won't really solve the problem of me having to get up tp let them out into the garden, nor the risks that brings,  but it might mean the time doesn't keep getting earlier and earlier.
