Saturday 2 May 2020

Cat Climbing

Shelby,  who until recently hasn't been very adept at jumping up on to things because she has quite dumpy legs,  has been teaching herself to climb trees.

DH mentioned it yesterday morning.  He couldn't find Shelby, so he got the loc8tor out and discovered her somewhere up the apple tree.

Izzy (in bowl) and Shelby, April
Last night, when I went out to check on the hens Shelby slipped out.  She bounded down the garden like a cartoon cat.  She went up the pear tree.  She ran down the pair tree. She ran up the apple tree, and sat there, looking very pleased with herself.     I went and got treats and I came back and rattled the jar.  She climbed higher.

I called her, and rattled.  She climbed higher.    She eyed up over the fence.   She leapt on to our shed.  I pretended to walk off.  She ignored me.

I came back, rattle rattle, Shelby! Shelby!.   She popped her head over the roof of the shed.   I looked around to see if there was anything that would take my weight to get me up on the shed.  Nope.  I didn't want to walk back to the house in case she leapt over the fence into the Great Outdoors.

Eventually, she decided to get back into the tree.  An enormous leap, and she landed.  She looked at me.  She looked at the upper branches.   rattle rattle.  She came down a bit,  just enough for me to grab her.


Poor Lewis isn't allowed out at all,  he has to be kept in for 10 days.     I took him out in my arms so he could see everyone and smell the air.  
