Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Another holiday?
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
300g coarsely grated courgettes
100g self raising flour
- remantle (or whatever the opposite of dismantle is) the Go, and find somewhere to put it
- Put Tilda in the purple cube run, she did manage the orange cube ladder for two nights after all
- Put the Go, minus it's run, in the purple cube run. If we take the ladder off the Cube, it should just about fit
- Put that big egg shaped cat bed in the Cube run, Tilda could sleep in that (Lotti did for a while, which is why we removed it from their run).
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Shedding stuff
Friday, 26 July 2013
Decisions made in the heat of the moment, part 2
Decisions made in the heat of the moment, part 1.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
They'll learn. Won't they?
Monday, 22 July 2013
On Guard!
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From inside |
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From outside |
Back from hols
This morning, I gave Tilda her breakfast at 5.30am after I'd let the Big Girls out. At 9am, I picked her up and put her in the Paddock with the Big Girls.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
The morning after
Friday, 19 July 2013
I went out to fetch Tilda and, as is now habit, to check that Lotti had managed to get in (she doesn't always manage to run the gauntlet of the three old bags). No sign of Lotti-hurray, she must have got in.
No sign of Tilda.
I checked again, and started to panic...until I realised that DH had brought her in without telling me.
Except he hadn't.
Gingerley I opened the egg port to see if she was in there. And she was! In the nestbox!
I shut the port and walked back to the house. Worried.
She obviously wants to be in there- she'd managed to climb the ladder. And they'd let her in. But would she be OK, bearing in mind they had attacked her before to the point where she died? That had been the start of her taking up residence in the kitchen.
But she clearly wanted to be there. Maybe she's on her way out and wants to spend her remaining time with the others?
I don't know.
But she knew what she wanted, so I left her there.
Let's see what tomorrow brings.
...and then?
Tilda remained there for some time.
In the end, I went back, opened the run door,and she hopped in. She received a sharp peck on the head from Roobarb, then she started rooking for corn. I went and had my dinner.
As soon as i'd eaten, I went back to see how she was. She was under a bench - her usual position for keeping out of beak range. I called her. She looked at me. Did she need rescuing? Custard was sitting behind the bench, maybe she couldn't risk moving? I opened the run door and called her. She looked away. I shut the door and watched, she continued to ignore me. I left her for a while.
About an hour later, DH came in and said Tilda might be ready to come in, she had been standing by the dustbath. I put on some shoes, and DH called to cancel the suggestion. She was busy rootling about, and the others were still up.
I decided to leave it until the others had gone to bed. We've done this a few times over the last several months, and Tilda waits under the bench for me to collect her.
Perhaps I should not have done so......
What on earth......?
Later this afternoon, Tilda decided she wanted to get into the Big Girls paddock. She has done this before,so I lifted her in and she took up residence under a spiky shrub.
Later on,the Girls were whingeing for their treat so I shut them in their run with some corn. Tilda stayed put and rejected my suggestion that she might want to come out.
Later still, the Girls were at it again. It was still hot, so I let them back out.
Even later,they started AGAIN, so they were shut away with some foraging treat.
I tried again with Tilda. She started walking in front of me, then she halted by the spare cube - the run she was put in the other day when we went out. I explained to her that she couldn't go in there overnight as it now had a cube attached, not the bungalow Go. I opened the side gate so she could go out into the garden, and the little madam rushed into the cul de sac between the side gate and the cube run!
I hoiked her out and made her walk out of the paddock. She stopped by the walk-in run door. Now, we've had this conversation before. Last time she did this, I gave in and opened the door for her and, right on cue, Custard had rushed over and pecked her so hard that Tilda's head was on the floor. I reminded Tilda of this, but she obstinately stood there.
I walked back to the house and left her.....
to be continued.....
Yet more things we do for chickens
UPDATE: they are eating the remnants off the grass. It may be that next time (as if I'd ever do this again!) they'll eat it more readily.