Saturday 14 January 2012

A little treat

Thought I'd let the Girls out on to the back "lawn" (= the bit of grass outside our kitchen window) for a treat.  They aren't allowed on there very often as we like to reserve it for the chicks.

As it happens, they weren't very interested in the grass. They decided to investigate some tubs instead 
Tried to take some photos, but they were not that interested in posing.
I caught Milly off guard....
The Grandpas Feeders have been put into the next position now, which means that they are patially open. The lids open fully when someone stands on the plate.  Roobarb got straight to it, no problem.  Custard and Milly have been standing to the side of the plate and craning in.  I haven't seen what Florence and 'Tilda have been doing.

Water was frozen today.
