Friday 20 January 2012

Feeders are closed

Mid morning, we set the Grandpas Feeders to the closed position, meaning that the Girls need to stand on the plate to get the feeder to open.   

There was a lot of complaining to start with, so I went out and showed Tilda how to do it. I also tried to show Milly, but she was so shocked at being picked up that all she could do was bok loudly. 

They are now shut in their run for the evening. The new camera has been installed, and i've seen that Florence and Roobarb have managed to operate the treadle and feed themselves,  so the others will pick it up soon (if they haven't already).

No more getting up early to put out the feeders.  DH has done this for probably 11 of the last 14 days, so I'm really happy that he won't have to do it any more.

Just saw Roobarb eating from it on her own. Custard sidled up and started to eat too.   Roobarb moved away and I winced as I waited for the lid to shut on Custard.  By luck, she had her foot on the treadle, so nothing happened.  She moved away, and the feeder shut.  Then she came back.  She was confused that the food had apparently disappeared.   She pecked the lid and the front of tyhe feeder, and then wandered off.

It won't take long.
