Tuesday 10 February 2009

Tea infusions

I've tried various herbal teas and fruit infusions over the years, and I've always been disappointed. They smell tempting, but the taste just doesn't live up to the smell. I've tried various blends, numerous brands, and it's always been the same story.

A few years ago now a colleague of mine was over from Germany, and she'd brought some fruit tea with her. She offered me some and I declined, explaining what I'd found. She told me that this particular tea was different, it was really full flavoured. So, I tried it, and she was right!

I went online and ordered a load from an online German retailer, and stocked up. The shipping costs were quite high, so I bought a lot, to make it worthwhile. I found the tea invaluable when I was trying to lose weight, as I would make myself a cup every time I had a snack craving. No, it wasn't the same as eating chocolate, or cheese, or crisps, or whatever, but it gave me something to do, and gave my stomach something which my mouth liked.

I hadn't drunk it for about a year and, as I'm trying to stop snacking, I rooked around my cupboards to find them. I had a few bags in an airtight container, which taste fine. And an unopened box, which has a use by date of January 2006. These didn't smell of anything, so they've gone on the compost heap.

I've been online and ordered a fresh supply (including some other flavours), and I hope they arrive before I run out of the ones in the airtight box.

Oh, in case you are interested, they are made by an Austrian tea company, Milford, and the flavour is Hagebutte (Rosehip & Hibiscus).
