Wednesday, 4 February 2009

The Day After

Up ths morning at 6.15. Filled the drinkers in my kitchen, and made chicken porridge. Outside in the dark to put everything out, then opened up the door to let them emerge.

Nothing. It was obvously a bt too early. Milly emerged eventually, and ate porridge while I shone the torch for her. No one else was budging. Investigation showed that Delilah didn't want to come out, and she wasn't letting the others out.

More torch shining, and a bit of minor cursing from me, for getting up too early. Jasmine came down the ramp.

Eventually, the Newbies popped out, but Delilah wasn't budging. She looked OK, so I went back to bed.

Got up again after half an hour, and from my bedroom window I could see that everyone was up and about, and Milly was in the nest box.

After showering and dressing, I came downstairs. Hair wet, so can't risk going outside in the snow. Still no Milly. DH offered to go and check the nestbox to make sure she was OK. She was.

Now it's 8.15. Milly still in the Cube. Others wandering around. Delilah rooking through the flooring. A bit of bossiness going on, intimidation rather than pecking. Poor Jasmine, was bottom of 3 is now going to be bottom of 5, poor thing.
