May is a busy month for birthdays, and the first 4 all take place over 3 days in the middle of the month.

I had been trying to work up enthusiasm to do some embroidery, but...well... it just isn't happening.

I bought some 3fold aperture cards to see how they would work with embroidery, and it occurred to me I had the
ideal fabric for two of the birthday people . So, here are those two cards.

It took longer than anticipated to get the fabric placement
just right. I then decided to work on something special for the insides. I had to obtain a
Batfont to do the text, and it then find just the right Batman related images. The wording worked just as I pictured it in my head, so I'm really happy with that.
I hadn't used this size card before so it took a while of faffing around trying to get the sizing of the paper and then the relative positioning of the artwork just right.... I had a pile of rejects!

For the second one, I searched for a simple E-type jaguar outline, then a font that suggested speed. I made the '65' in a circle, and voilĂ Sorry it's upside down.
I'm really pleased with them.
I've still got two more cards to do for the middle of the month, and one at the end. I've not had any bright ideas yet. I'm hoping inspiration strikes soon.