We have commitments at home which make overnighters (for both of us at the same time) difficult, so we wanted to be there and back in a day. Worst case, we'd leave at silly o'clock to arrive for a morning course, and then get back mid afternoon. I was pleased to find that they did a session starting at lunchtime which meant this was doable without an early start . We'd only miss one of our commitments, and that was manageable.
Yesterday was the day.

I picked the easiest thing to make, a hook, a DH picked a useful thing to make, a poker.
Of course this was all right up DH's street and he took to it like a duck to water. It was more of a challenge for me, I've never done any sort of metal working or woodworking. The process was actually being quite straightforward, it was just all new, and I was pleased with the way my hook turned out.

I decided to make a second hook, to consolidate my learning. Poker finished, DH also decided to make a hook and of course his was not only complete before mine, it was perfect. I don't mind. Mine is fine; not perfect but perfectly useable. And MeMade.
We stopped at The Red Lion at Peterstow on the way home. The food was excellent, much better than we were expecting. I nervously had the pulled pork. I've had pulled pork in pubs before and it's been really dry. This was lovely, it was shoulder of pork in Five Spice, and I couldn't have made it better myself. They served kimchi with the meal, and it was lovely. Better than my own attempt at kimchi some years ago, and I think I might have another try. I'd definitely make a detour to visit there again.
Happy day.