Tuesday 23 May 2023

Running low

DH has been busy dismantling the walk in run.   It will take a couple more days before it's all down.

 It's caused havoc for the Oldies.  They can no longer get to the orange cube (it's been moved  back, and the access hole has been closed with new weldmesh). I had to move the broody into the purple cube which is now in the fruit cage, she wasn't happy.

I've decided I'm going to sell the spare Cube,  and I wanted to sort out the run for it. I knnew it was in the garage, in the trailer.     Regrettably, lots of other run bits are also in the trailer,  and there was tons of stuff on  the trailer as well.

I pulled out the stuff that was on top first.   Some went iunto the wheelbarrow of doom (to go to the Tip)_;  I listed some for sale;  and I offered some for free.  Some was binned.

Next, I started hoiking the stuff out of the trailer.  Luckily, I'd had the foresight to label a lot of the run pieces, so I was able to create piles around the garden (to keep everything separate).  I went and fuond the instructions for the Cube and the GoUp so I could tick of the pieces.     I had most bits, I just need to lay out the skirt to see if I've got it all.

I also found some additional bits for the walk in run, and loads and loads of 16 gauge weldmesh, which was from our very first walk in run (more than 15 years ago).

I also created an enormous pile of older style movable netting, the sort that can be electrified.   It's all the netting from when we kept hens on our allotment, and I was momentarily saddened by seeing it.   I still wonder about Sasha, Summer, Blondie and Pong. 

I've got stuff everywhere now.
