Friday 31 December 2021

Another year over...

I know it's been said a lot,  by a lot of people,  but hasn't this year gone quickly?!   

2021 has merged into 2020 - it's hard to remember whether some things happened this year, or last year. Covid has reduced what we do, where we go, who we see, and everything has been quite same-y.   I'm not complaining,  just explaining. 

We were able to see people, a little.   We went to Hamlet (Ian McKellan) with our lovely exDIL and DGDs; we saw DD both with and without the DGC;  DS1 popped over with his children.     I saw my parents when they came to look after my uncle.  Re-emerging covid, and my own health, prevented us going to visit them afterwards.    We cancelled our boating holiday too. 

The Girls

We lost a few Girls this year.   Some were expected, others were not.  It was sad because the allotmenteers  had  been through the upheaval of  having to leave the allotment, and both sets had to learn to live as one flock.  { Reminder: we had four girls stolen at the start of the first lockdown), and everyone had to learn to deal with integrating into a new large flock. Each individual had to fight for their place in the new pecking order,   and it was really hard.      Sylvia, my lovely baby Silver Laced Barrnevelder, died in an accident early on;  Nora, who was blind in one eye and already ancient, was in frequent full on fights}  We had got to a point where the new order had been established and peace had broken out.  

During 2021,  6 girls died. 3 were due to "old age", and 3 were not.

Annie,  a gorgeous independent soul and my choice for breeding,  died from an egg laying problem. Only 5 years old.

Ping, our remaining Dorking (her sister, Pong, was one of the 4 that were stolen),  died unexpectedly of a heart attack.

Big Bird,  an old (very old by most standards, 7ish) oddity of a girl, died peacefully in her sleep.

Gloria,  one of my loveliest old ladies just coming up to her 10th birthday.  She had been brought back from the allotment years before to keep Poppy company after a fox attack wiped everyone else in the garden out. 

Sunshine,  a very young and friendly leghorn girl,  no obvious cause

Nora,  our ancient (well over 10 years) and blind-in-one-eye girl, died of old age.

Bird Flu again struck the country again, it seems to be an annual occurence.  All birds are  under Flockdown, and DH had built a netted "outside extension" for the Girls so they could still feel the grass under their feet for a few hours a day.   The sad losses this year  had one upside,  which is that the whole Flockdown thing is easier to manage with a flock of 9 than it otherwjse would have been.  

Apparently this year's bird flu is the worst ever, more transmissable,  more deadly.    It's been that sort of year, hasn't it?!

We didn't hatch, for the second year running, because we were already unsure how Covid might affect us.  We already had to consider how to deal with the (originally) unmanageably large number of Girls in the event of  Covid  happening to both of us, and we felt adding to the flock would be irresponsible.    I still maintain a list of what to do with each of our remaining Girls, which I email to my brother every time things change.

I'm expecting to lose a few more before long.  We've got two lovelies that I'd describe as "ancient", and two which might be described as "old" (one of whom has never been in the most robust of heath, and whose eggs are lovely on the outside but often a mess inside).   Even our youngest girl is now "middle aged"      For the second winter we've had to buy eggs every week as we've had no youngsters to lay during winter,   I'm very lucky that we have a reasonably local free range supplier who delivers.  

I'd like to hatch in 2022,  to add maybe 2 hens to the flock.  I'd like to add more, of course,  but if I do that then we'll be in a similar position in a few years time: lots of ancient girls who either don't lay, or lay decidedly dodgy eggs.   I'll have to buy in fertilised eggs, as of course we no longer have any boys.

DH doesn't want to go back to keeping a permanent flock at the Allotment, but we've agreed we might keep any hatched cockerels and "excess girls" at the allotment from starting to crow until culling time. 

The Omicron variant is everywere though, and maybe hatching  won't be such a good idea anyway, so we'll have to wait and see. 

I've already reverted to making sure the feeders are full, there are extra waterers in the run, and the batteries that operate the coop doors and the outside access door are all kept topped up.   This is so that if we are both incapacitated for  a few days, the Girls will be OK.  

 The Cats

Izzy continues, much to our surprise.   She's been looking more rickety in the last couple of weeks,  and she's had a couple of "where am I?" crying episodes.   She's 18? 19?   She's still eating, using the new cat tree,  moving round the house during the day,  going out in the garden, asking for cuddles. But she is definitely rickety.   We have her next checkup booked for the first week in January,  and I find myself wondering whether we should make it her last. 

The kittens are continuing to grow.  They are over 2 now, and are still kittens. 

We had the poisoning scare earlier in the year, and still don't know what it was that they ate.  I've started to wonder if it was something in the floor cleaner.  Maybe they walked on a wet floor, and then licked themselves clean?    I now keep the cats out of any wet areas when I wash the floors.

Shelby has become more tactile,  and the two of them continue to play and sleep together.  They also do a lot apart, and Lewis no longer has to keep Shelby in his sights.    They are still "daddy's boy" and "daddy's girl". They like me well enough,  but they loooooooove their Dadda. 

I know we'd love whichever kittens we'd ended up with,  but we really did hit the jackpot with these two.  And we were so lucky to get them.


When 2021 started, I made myself an achievable commitment.  I didn't write it down, which is a bit unfortunate as I now can't remember precisely what it was.  It was either "I'll do 3 creative things a month",  or "I'll do 1 creative thing every 3 weeks".  Whichever it was, I've smashed it!  If I hadn't been unwell, goodness knows what I would have achieved.

 I don't know what  commitments  I'll make for 2022.  I don't even know if I'll make any.   I don't make resolutions, as they are usually destined to fail    Often, committing to something acts as a complete demotivator for me, so I have to be careful.

Miss Teen

We didn't see Miss Teen after we returned her to her parents on Day 2 of the first Lockdown.  We then saw very little of her in 2020, even as restrictions lifted.  We were very lucky to see more of her in 2021, and this had the added benefit of helping her parents out. 

Of course a planned theatre trip with Miss Teen, DD and DGD was postponed yet again,  and has been rebooked for 2022.     We've got a theatre trip booked with Miss Teen before that,  and we're waiting to see if that goes ahead.

We're lucky that she loves coming to see us and coming to stay.  I imagine that will wane soon, so we just enjoy it while we can.


2021 has been a challenging year, both personally and for some of those we love.  Their stories aren't mine to tell, but I wanted to make  an aide memoire for myself for future reference:  M; D and then the hospital induced hallucinations; M continued;  M2;  B; my saga;  J&B; M2 continued.

Looking back at the situations now, I'm amazed at what went on and all we had to do,especially as so much of it was happening at once.  

DH has been amazing with everything going on, both supporting me and in actively doing things to support the situations.  And letting me offload.    

My DB-I stepped up with both tangible help and moral support with the situations with our Uncle/Dad/Mum and that made those things a bit easier to deal with.     All through 2021, even before the incidents,  he's been there to help/support.

Miss Teen's Dad, who went above and beyond in helping with our Uncle's situation.

My Mum and Dad, who weren't in the best of health themselves,  coming to stay with my Uncle to support him.  

I'm sure we will laugh at the situations in years to come.   We can already chuckle at some of the stories now,  now that the situations are no longer life threatening. 

My Uncle and I have talked a few times now about what happened.   The hospital had let me in to see him because it was likely to be an "end of life" situation.    We've talked before about the repetitive conversation I had with him during that 20? 40? minute visit "Where am I?  You're in W-.    How did I get here? The Air Ambulance brought you.  Did it?  I bet that was expensive! You were out on your bike near T-.  You had a heart attack.  Luckily, a passer by saw it and flagged down a police car.  The policeman did CPR and saved you.   The Air Amulance came, they restarted your heart,  and brought you here. Where's my bike?  Its safe.  Where am I?....." 

At Christmas, for the first time, he asked for more detailed information about what state he was in when they let me see him.  He wanted to know whether he looked like he was at Death's door.  It was interesting recollecting it this time.   Because he's now so well, I was able to recall it and not feel all the horror and emotion that the recollections had previously raised.    I'm glad I wrote so much of it down at the time, as I would have forgotten lots of details.


The media has gone on at length about the devastating effects the restrictions have had on mental health, and I can apreciate that in many situations this must have been horrendous.  I know how fortunate we are.     

DH and I are so very similar in some ways, at least that's what outsiders think.  We are actually very opposite to each other in many ways.   The similarities are there though, and have been a real help as a starting point for managing and getting on with things;  the differences mean that the combination is better and stronger than we would have been  as 2 individuals.

I'm not an overy sociable person and I'm good at being content with my own company.   I think often about the people I care about.  I need to know that people are there and that I could see each other  if we wanted to,  and that knowledge is often enough.    I was surprised at how the accidental meeting with BFF-Y in the Farm Shop car park (middle of August) caught me off guard,   and I suspect the reaction would have been the same if I'd bumped into either of my BFFs unexpectedly. 

I've missed seeing BFF-S;  we usually only see each other twice a year (both in December - Panto and New Years Eve) and it seems like forever since I've seen her.   Whenever I see Victoria Coren on TV (usually Only Connect ) I think of S.    We ( S  I mean, not Victoria Coren, obvs)  have emailed, and spoken on the phone, and that's been lovely.    We've agreed to permanently switch to our New Years Eve meeting in the Spring/Summer , and I'm really looking forward to it.

Towards the middle of 2021, all was looking like it was going in the right direction.   We started to see Miss Teen.    I was able to catch up in person with BFF-Y.   DH was able to start going to his hobby club.  I'd started to elay filling the chicken feeders until they were almost empty, so the food was fresher.

Then Omicron appeared and took over very quicky.  It seems unstoppable, and the  only saving grace seems to be that most people have very mild attacks.  It's 4x more transmissable than Delta.   I remember when the news was that Delta was xx more transmissable than the original strain,  so it's shocking to think of the potential of this latest version compared to the original.

I've gone back to changing clothes and showering if I've had to go into the hospital.     Our Vet has gone back to people waiting in their cars in the car park. 

 It doesn't have the same symptoms, so many people don't realise they have it.  The main symptoms now are the same as having a common or garden cold.

DH woke up the other night full of cold. We'd both taken a Covid test that morning anyway,  but we did wonder if it might be Covid.  He took a Covid test the following morning, and that was thankfully clear.  (That was the day I decided to go back to making sure the feeders were full and there were plenty of waterers in the Run).     The cold disappeared very quickly, so quickly that we wondered if the catarrh was cheese induced!

We are still seeing people,  but are taking sensible precautions.  No hello/goodbye hugs when my eldest brother and my uncle came over for Christmas, and no board games.   I do lateral flow tests at least twice a week, even if I haven't been anywhere.   If I'm meeting up with anyone, or if I have an appointment, I try and arrange it so I have a test that morning.   At the moment I'll add in an extra test if necessary, if I've got consecutive days of coming into contact with someone other.  I did a test on both Christmas Day and Boxing Day, because my Uncle and my brother were coming over.

I wonder how in/accurately this period will be represented in future films and stories?      The mass memory is already unreliable,  with people forgetting what things were like in early 2020 as the virus emerged.        The media, hungry only for shock! news!  helps the collective amnesia.   It's like Noneteen Eighty Four, but the Ministry of Truth doesn't need to bother to "rectify" past reports....  such a deluge of new stories and misinformation, most of us just can't be bothered to go and refresh ourselves on what actually happened last month.  

Miss Teen told me a while ago, September I think,  that Covid had been going on for 3 of her 13 years, and that was nearly a quarter of her life.  She and her friends had been discussing this all day.    I told her it had been 18 months, not 3 years.She was adamant that it was nearly 3 years, because Covid19 started in 2019 and it was now nearly 2022.     I explained that it was called Covid-19 because it started at the end of 2019 in China; it didn't get to us until early 2020,  so counting from Feb 2020 it was was 1 year and 7 months.   Also, if she was counting to 2022, then she should be counted as 14 not 13.   We argued some more about it,  and I realised that the Ministry of Truth really doesn't have to do much to pull the wool!

At a funeral recently, someone asked me how things had been for us in 2021.   I hadn't spent a  huge amount of time with people and my gob-gatekeeper programme was rusty.  "It's been alright", I said cheerfully "I don't really like people, so not having to see anyone has actually been a bit of a bonus".   Upon seeing the questioners slightly taken aback face, I tried to explain "I like individuals, I just don't like people en masse.  I'm not very sociable at the best of times, so Lockdown has taken the pressure off".   

I do need to get back into the habit of gob-gatekeeping.

It's definitely been a funny old year.  

The tree is still here, and the decorations are still up.  I'll start dismantling tomorrow.  The only thing I am going to do this evening,  is put my lovely kitchen table back to being my cutting table. Then it'll be ready for when the mood takes me.

Happy New Year to you xx

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Christmas Cards

We've just got back from the Post Office, posting (1st Class, as it's last posting day) Christmas Cards.

Every year, about the beginning of December, I think: Christmas cards are such a waste. I won't send any this year.

Every year,  as the last posting date for 2nd class looms, I think: Nope, I'm really not going to send any this year

Every year, just after the last posting date for 2nd class has passed,  DH says Shall we do the cards today?   I say I wasn't going to send any this year .  DH says Let's see who sent us cards

We pile up the Cnristmas cards, unopened, as they arrive.  Then,  once we have put up the tree and decorations,  we go through and open them all in one go.    It means we both get to see them, and then we hang them on a string accross the kitchen.   We used to hang them all over the place,  but there are many fewer cards now, as most people don't bother. 

Then I go and get my box of Christmas cards down, fire up the laptop, and we go through the names in the "xmas cards" folder of our labelling software, and print off lavels for those that we want to  send cards to.   People we think about but don't see. The days of sending cards to all and sundry are long gone.

We split the cards into "my family and friends" and "DH family and friends". DH writes and signs his pile, I do mine, and then we swap and add our signatures where a joint card is needed.    I always write a personal message in cards I send. Sometimes its just an addendum to the pre printed greeting.  Sometimes it's a short letter.  Sometimes it's just a "PS" .   I'm sending the card because I want to send a card to that person, because I'm thinking about them, because I want them to know we are thinking about them.   

It amuses me that DH doesn't (usually) add anything personal, and I find myself scribbling a message in the cards he has written. 

I like doing it because it makes me think about the recipient, and why they are on my Christmas Card list.      When I do it, I think I should have made them a card.

We walk down to the Post Office to buy stamps, and I'm always horrified at the cost.   All that money!  What a waste !    No cards next year!

But there isn't anyone I'd take off my list.

When we get back, we hang the cards up.  One of my aunts makes her own cards, and they are just lovely.  She has such an eye for it. 

My BF-S always picks a cat themed card for us.  I like looking at them, and I'll like it again when we take them down in the New Year.

 Every year, about now, I think: Next year, I'll do it early. And I'll make some.

Maybe, now I've written it down, I actually will.

Monday 20 December 2021

Curtain butchery

You may recall that I was really pleased with my adaptation of the bargain curtains.    The seller had been selling 4 pairs; I wasn't sure that one pair would be wide enough, so I bought two pairs.   In the end, I used on the one pair, and I have been considering what to do about the second pair.

Initially, I considered putting them up at the other end of the long room.   I borrowed the eyelet-adapted pair, and put them up, just to see.  They were OK, but the ceiling is a little lower, and I'd need to do more adaptations.    

Next, I considered putting them in the Guest Bedroom/My sewing room.   They were a bit long, and not wide enough.   The colour, however, was quite good.  I wondered idly whether I could turn them on their sides to make curtains wide enough, and the shortiness would mean they would go behind the radiator.  I inspected the curtains and saw that the "hem" at the original bottom was the same as the hemming on the sides.  It might work!

Or I could go back to the seller and buy another pair.

I didn't really want to shell out for more curtains (the postage was expensive),  so I decided to butcher one curtain and see what it looked like with eyelets.  It wasn't a particularly neat job, but it was OK.

    I couldnt get the curtain pole undone to hang it,  DH was out for the day,  so I only managed to test  it today.  It looked OK.  Except.  The design of the brackets for the rather expensive forged iron pole meant that eyelet curtains were not going to work.     I decided to leave it for a while, to give me time to think,

DH came downstairs and said he'd ordered an extendable pole from Argos, click and collect, which he collected and hung up for me.  The curtain worked OK, so I butchered the second curtain, and that room now has new curtains.

It was a quick job, and the execution on my part was very slapdash.  But it's done, and it's OK.

Total crafty things this year:62

Sewing based makes: 
123) Inner pad for foot muff; make cover for foot muff; trim down Superking Duvet to KS and recover edges;
456)Cushion cover for Miss T; Gift bags for Miss T and GDK;
7)Dressing Gown;
8-10)Cat Duvet, Duvet Cover and Pillowcase;
11) Cushion cover for living room;
12-15) Sleeveless tops (x4);
16) SBCC top
17) Overlocker chicken
18) Curtains for nest boxes (4, but counted as 1 make)~
19,20,21)Boxers for DH (test pairs for sizing - counted as 1, and then 2 pairs)
Abandoned muslin for LoveNotions Willow Wrap Dress (not counted in total makes)
22)Apostrophe Patterns Joggers (jellyfiah and space)
23)Apostrophe Patterns Flared Joggers (black, with big red roses)
24)Boxes for DH (3 pairs using black cotton lycra with patterned fly)
25)Shorten the hems and sleeves on 4 of Mum's day dresses (count as 1 task)
26) repurposed old tee shirt as cover for mini cushion
27) Burrito rolled bag (from Jane's July Zoom)
28) Replace waistban on massively oversized maxi skirt
29) Salvage DH's Firestorm tee shirt (using stretchyfix)
30) Yet another Heartlight skirt (July) feathers scuba, great pattern matching, good fit on waistband
31) Convert single duvet cover to king size
32) Convert 1 pillowcase to 2, and create 2 additional plain pillowcases to match
33) Dressing gown (LoveNotions Compose) (black flowers on white, brished cotton)
34) Cover for A0 printer
35) Condolence cards
36) Halftime Hoodie with thumbhile cuffs
37) Jolly Roger hoodie with raglan sleeves, crossover cown hood, thumbhole cuffs
38) Half Tme hoodie, larger size, with kangaroo pocket
39) Horsey Dressing Gown for MIss Teen
40) Camo dressing gown for DH
41) converted curtains to eyelet curtains (french windows)
42) converted bargain curtains to eyelet curtains (upstairs front)

Learning activities:
1) Scanning pattern pieces; 
2) Making movies; 
3)Babylock demo day; 
4)Gathering using my overlocker; 
5) Euphy training (circles,using elastic in looper);
6) Gail Yellen's binder course; 
7) Inkscape 1; 
8) casting on; 
10)casting off: 
11) full on scanning and testing of Jacket Retreat pieces, and many SFD drafted knit fabric pattern pieces.

Non sewing based craft makes:
A) Painted bisque butter dish and had it fired
B) Knitted Infinity scarf, first attempt (pinks) C) Painted bisque small jug (hen names) and had it fired. 
D) Heart shaped plate with names of all our pet hens, and had it fired
E) Medium jug
F) Tall, "split personality" jug
G) Macrame angel
H) Felted a christmas bauble
I) Made a fused glass teaight

Saturday 18 December 2021


The tree smells wonderful.  Maybe i'll stick with a real tree after all.

I bought a plain wreath yesterday, from a small garden centre. They had some acceptable trees left - no Frasers - and I thought I might go there next year for a real tree 

This morning DH put the lights on the tree and  I brought the boxes of decorations downstairs.   I had bits to do first, so it was afternoon by the time I was ready to decorate.

I started by sweeping up the needles from the lights, and  discovered a spreading pool of water.  DH had been a bit over zealous watering the tree this morning 

As I cleaned it up, it crossed my mind that this wouldn't happen with a fake tree.

I was careful with the decorations.  The glass ornaments stayed in the box this year.  DH had to do an ornament hospital for me.  One of the glass cat baubles had a broken ear; Rocky the Rooster has come off his bell;  a gingerbread hen had lost her hanging hook.

I had had enough after about an hour, so I tidied away. I can always add more tomorrow.  

I put the newly enlarged cat ball tracks under the tree,  chuckling at myself  What could possibly go wrong as I know perfectly well how reckless that was. 

I stood back to take a picture   and noticed one of the lights was flickering     I called DH, who pointed out several more. This wouldn't happen with a fake pre lit tree,  the inner voice whispered.

We discussed options. Take the lights off: No. Id have to undecorate the tree first and then redecorate it;  .   Turn them off and leave them off;    Put another set of lights on.  Get a replacement controller   .

No point in buying lights or a replacement controller in case we get a fake tree.

I'm not too bothered 
Update:  DH put an additional short set of warm white lights on the front of the tree.

Thursday 16 December 2021


Our double glazed french doors are rubbish,  no amount of adjustment stops the draughts..  I've previously used sticky filler tape,  but even that doesn't work.

The other day I thought is look dor some thermal curtains, and I saw some new unused ones being sold.  They were normal header curtains.a bit long for our non standard size.

I bought them, and ordered some eyelet tape from Terry's Fabrics.  The tape arrived on Monday, and the curtains on WednesdY.  I summoned my energy and did the conversion immediately 

The first one took a while.   Its necessary ro use an even number of eyelets, and that wasn't working.  In the end, I cut one eyelet and moved it closer.  I also had to sew it the wrong way round, with tgevfrontbofvtge curtain underneath. I had to wind a bobbin with curtain coloured thread, and I wasn't sure it would work.  I also had to use the Accufeed foot.

It worked surprisingly well. The second curtain was really quick.

I'm really happy with the result,  and I'm pleased that I've got another make in.  They fit perfectly 
We still haven't decorated the tree.

Total crafty things this year:61

Sewing based makes: 
123) Inner pad for foot muff; make cover for foot muff; trim down Superking Duvet to KS and recover edges;
456)Cushion cover for Miss T; Gift bags for Miss T and GDK;
7)Dressing Gown;
8-10)Cat Duvet, Duvet Cover and Pillowcase;
11) Cushion cover for living room;
12-15) Sleeveless tops (x4);
16) SBCC top
17) Overlocker chicken
18) Curtains for nest boxes (4, but counted as 1 make)~
19,20,21)Boxers for DH (test pairs for sizing - counted as 1, and then 2 pairs)
Abandoned muslin for LoveNotions Willow Wrap Dress (not counted in total makes)
22)Apostrophe Patterns Joggers (jellyfiah and space)
23)Apostrophe Patterns Flared Joggers (black, with big red roses)
24)Boxes for DH (3 pairs using black cotton lycra with patterned fly)
25)Shorten the hems and sleeves on 4 of Mum's day dresses (count as 1 task)
26) repurposed old tee shirt as cover for mini cushion
27) Burrito rolled bag (from Jane's July Zoom)
28) Replace waistban on massively oversized maxi skirt
29) Salvage DH's Firestorm tee shirt (using stretchyfix)
30) Yet another Heartlight skirt (July) feathers scuba, great pattern matching, good fit on waistband
31) Convert single duvet cover to king size
32) Convert 1 pillowcase to 2, and create 2 additional plain pillowcases to match
33) Dressing gown (LoveNotions Compose) (black flowers on white, brished cotton)
34) Cover for A0 printer
35) Condolence cards
36) Halftime Hoodie with thumbhile cuffs
37) Jolly Roger hoodie with raglan sleeves, crossover cown hood, thumbhole cuffs
38) Half Tme hoodie, larger size, with kangaroo pocket
39) Horsey Dressing Gown for MIss Teen
40) Camo dressing gown for DH
41) converted curtains to eyelet curtains (french windows)

Learning activities:
1) Scanning pattern pieces; 
2) Making movies; 
3)Babylock demo day; 
4)Gathering using my overlocker; 
5) Euphy training (circles,using elastic in looper);
6) Gail Yellen's binder course; 
7) Inkscape 1; 
8) casting on; 
10)casting off: 
11) full on scanning and testing of Jacket Retreat pieces, and many SFD drafted knit fabric pattern pieces.

Non sewing based craft makes:
A) Painted bisque butter dish and had it fired
B) Knitted Infinity scarf, first attempt (pinks) C) Painted bisque small jug (hen names) and had it fired. 
D) Heart shaped plate with names of all our pet hens, and had it fired
E) Medium jug
F) Tall, "split personality" jug
G) Macrame angel
H) Felted a christmas bauble
I) Made a fused glass teaight

Wednesday 15 December 2021


I've not manage to muster enough energy/enthusiasm to make anything, even on the days when I had managed to clear the cutting table.   I haven't done any cards, not even any of the Air Ambulance ones that I bought.

We decided we had better get on with getting a tree.   I had contacted a couple of places, and no one seemed to have any Fraser Firs left.   We went to the Christmas Tree Farm, but they too were sold out.  

I thought about buying an ultra realistic, prelit, artificial one.  It wouldn't be delivered for a week though,  so I hummed and hawed,  and decided to just get a Nordmann.  I'd look at the ultra realistic ones and see if I could get a price-reduced one after Christmas, ready for next year.

The Nordmanns at the farm seemed a bit...dry, so we went somewhere else.

We stood in a Nursery greenhkuse, the suze of an aircraft hangar. We had a lively discussion about what size to get.  The ones I liked were "too small" (in DH's opinion),  and the ones DH liked were "too big" (in my opinion).  

In the end, we got one and, as soon as we got it home,  DH cut the base and stuck it in a bucket of water overnight.  This morning, we put it in the stand,  and we had to laugh at the size of it.

The height is fine,  DH was absolutely right about that..... but it really is w i d e.    We are so used to the compact Frasers,  that the girth of the Nordmann has come as a bit of a shock.

The kittens are very excited, and have been investigating their latest toy,

We're letting it relax for a while before we think about decorating it.   I'm hoping to let it relax for aquite a while,  because  I need to be able to get to the curtains behind it.  I'm expecting some thermal curtains to arrive today. They are a FB purchase, and I'm going to put eyelet tale on them.  If the tree is decorated,  we won't be putting the new curtains up!

In the meantime, I've been trying to do some prep for Christmas dinner.  I made a mountain of braised red cabbage the other day,  which is now portioned and frozen.  Plenty for Christmas and plenty of individual portions for me  for a few weeks. Or months.

I'm going to do swede and carrot today.   I didn't have enough tubs/freeezer space to do it at the same time as the red cabbage.

I'm off to do that now....

Wednesday 8 December 2021


I've been a little..... under the weather... for a while now.   

A week or so ago, I started to use a litle electric heat pad (one of 3 bought for Izzy years ago) in the evening, to try and ease some discomfort and help my blood complete its circuit.   It helped, and  I moved on to taking the pad to bed with me.  

It helped, a little anyway.  I then decided to buy a full underblanket.   We had one about a hundred years ago and I remembered that I hated it for some reason, but I couln't remember why. 

After a bit of research, I bought one which also doubled as a mattress protector.  As soon as it was on the bed,  I remembered why I don't have one.   The positioning of the plug is really stupid.  It's doubly stupid now,   we have two large single mattresses on our bed because the bed is fully adjustable on both sides.

I've ended up having to put it the wrong way round so the control is at the foot end. Luckily, the control is more sophisticated now, so it turns itself off anyway,  and I don't need to adjus the temperaure during the night as I only use it on its lowest setting.

It has been helpful, and I'm sure it's helped alleviate some pain.    I've had marginally more energy in the mornings,  but I haven't been able to translate this in to doing anything creative.  I have been able to  do the Domestics,  and I have twice nearly cleared my cutting table.   I'm not sure I'll actually manage to make anything before |Christmas,  but you never know.

It's been surprisingly pleasant getting into a warm bed.  I've ordered another one, as a surprise for DH. 

Saturday 4 December 2021


The new cat tree arrived in a mountain of parcels, and this coincided with Miss Teen having an INSET day.     She decided to come over and help, and we were very happy that she did.  

She came the night before the build.  DH had put together the poles and a couple of bridges, so we could get an idea of how big it was going to be.     Miuss Teen and I spent the evening opening the boxes, removing all the tape so the cardboard could be recycled,  and piling up the recycling.  It took several hours.

On the Build Day,  I went to the Tip with the recycling, while DH and Miss Teen took down the old cat tree from the wall.    They then started building the new one. 

It took all day.  Literally, all day.  They stopped for a bagel at 3pm,  and for something more substantial at 6pm.   I opened (and de-taped) many, many small boxes, which we hadn't done the night before,  I cleared the mess they made as they went,  and did other things.  They were getting on well,  and my he lp wasn't needed.

Miss Teen learned how to connct it all, and how each individual attachment worked.  We added bits, reviewed it, and eventually, everything was up.

We tested it with the cats, who were unimpressed.

I bribed Lewis with treats to help him learn routes up, down, and across.  It made a big difference to his confidence in using it.  Shelby refused, and just sat in her old bed in the middle of the room.    I put her on the new tree, and she went and sat in one of the hammocks, then went to sleep in it.    We had to help her find her way down before we went to bed. 

We made some adjustments after watching how the cats were using it and where they were struggling.  I used lots of cat treats with both cats,  and they were happier.    They like being on the pole which lets them watch the room and watch the kitchen as well.

It's really well made and (mostly) really well thought out.   There are some bits where the design could be much improved, mainly the bridges and ramps are centrally fixed, and so end up directly over each other.  It would be great if these could be offset to either side, as it would make turns easier. We've had to put steps in to help with the turns, and even these require the cats to be quite agile.

The modular nature is great, and the build quality is excellent.



Tuesday 30 November 2021

making Light of things

We took Miss Teen to a local Lights in the Park event.  We wanted to go, and thought she'd probably like it.  

It's very booked up,  so we were happy to go on a weeknight, and early. 

It was quite a long walk, over 7000 steps, and well arranged.  There were several food opportunities,  We had Crepes about three quarters of the way round.  


The scanner is back upstairs. It worked really well!
I have scanned a whole load of pattern pieces.  Each piece has been checked (by projecting it and comparing it to the original).    I've even done  the numerous  pieces from my Jacket workshop,  which on their own took a few hours.   I've been using z mega sized carrier thing to out them through tvd scanner, which means they go through smoothly and evenly.  Its an unwieldy thing, and takes a while to load and unload. 

  I've still got loads to do,  but I've had enough for now.  I also want to try working with the scanned pieces,  in case I uncover a flaw.

I've already realised that some of the scans don't show the seam allowance very well,  and I've actually put  warning in the filename of every piece scanned. There were a lot of them. 

I'm so happy that it's worked,  and I **will** bring it back downstairs to do another batch or two.  But not yet.   I'm running on empty, and I'd like to try and get something sewn next.

I'm counting this as a creative thing. Just 1,  so its not cheating.

Total crafty things this year:60

Sewing based makes: 
123) Inner pad for foot muff; make cover for foot muff;  trim down Superking Duvet to KS and recover edges;
456)Cushion cover for Miss T; Gift bags for Miss T and GDK;
7)Dressing Gown;
8-10)Cat Duvet, Duvet Cover and Pillowcase;
11) Cushion cover for living room;
12-15) Sleeveless tops (x4);
16) SBCC top
17) Overlocker chicken
18) Curtains for nest boxes (4, but counted as 1 make)~
19,20,21)Boxers for DH (test pairs for sizing - counted as 1,  and then 2 pairs)
Abandoned muslin for LoveNotions Willow Wrap Dress (not counted in total makes)
22)Apostrophe Patterns Joggers (jellyfiah and space)
23)Apostrophe Patterns Flared Joggers (black, with big red roses)
24)Boxes for DH (3 pairs using black cotton lycra with patterned fly)
25)Shorten the hems and sleeves on 4 of Mum's day dresses (count as 1 task)
26) repurposed  old tee shirt as cover for mini cushion
27) Burrito rolled bag (from Jane's July Zoom)
28) Replace waistban on massively oversized maxi skirt
29) Salvage DH's Firestorm tee shirt (using stretchyfix)
30) Yet another Heartlight skirt (July) feathers scuba, great pattern matching, good fit on waistband
31) Convert single duvet cover to king size
32) Convert 1 pillowcase to 2,  and create 2 additional plain pillowcases to match
33) Dressing gown (LoveNotions Compose) (black flowers on white, brished cotton)
34) Cover for A0 printer
35) Condolence cards
36) Halftime Hoodie with thumbhile cuffs
37) Jolly Roger hoodie with raglan sleeves,  crossover cown hood, thumbhole cuffs
38) Half Tme hoodie,  larger size,  with kangaroo pocket
39) Horsey Dressing Gown for MIss Teen
40) Camo dressing gown for DH

Learning activities:
1) Scanning pattern pieces; 2) Making movies; 3)Babylock demo day; 4)Gathering using my overlocker;   5) Euphy training (circles,using elastic in looper);6) Gail Yellen's binder course; 7) Inkscape 1; 8) casting on;  9)purling; 10)casting off: 11) full on scanning and testing  of Jacket Retreat pieces,  and many SFD drafted knit fabric pattern pieces. 
Non sewing based craft makes: 
A) Painted bisque butter dish and had it fired
B) Knitted Infinity scarf, first attempt (pinks) 
C) Painted bisque small jug (hen names) and had it fired. 
D) Heart shaped plate with names of all our pet hens, and had it fired
E) Medium jug


A crash in the living room,  a blind extended, and two jumpy cats. Shelby had finally done it.

She has been pinging the cord with her paw  for months, and I've occasionally caught her gnawing at it.

And it finally snapped.

We are hoping it can be re-corded.  A quick inspection of the other 3 blinds revealed a second one partially chewed.

Pesky cat .

Saturday 27 November 2021


Ten days ago,  I managed to do a sterling job of clwaring the kitchen worktops and cleaning. We also did a mini declutter of part of the loft,  and I was able to give away most of the stuff. The rest went to the tip.   We now have enough space to put the beer and wine stuff back up there.

I even managed to identify quite a lot of fabric for destashing, but I haven't managed to sell it yet.  It's been moved into the box room, so that I can continue the Tetris involved in moving fabric about.  

I had my booster a few days ago and I've had a bit of a reaction to it, which is a nuisance.  

I had decided to make myself some long sleeved tee shirts, as it's a bit chilly now.  I couldn't find the sleeve pieces for any of my self drafted patterns.    So, I had to go through them more carefully, and I decided that I would get on and do the scanning.

The carrier sheet I bought is too big.  I debated for a day or two whether to cut it, or to buy one the right size.  They are horrendously expensove, nearly £100,  so I decided I'd cut it.   I#m going ot do that today.

I did some test scans in the meantime, and they are looking accurate enough.

I hope this works.

The idea is that I will scan in all my "self drafted" pattern pieces.       It  originally meant that it didn't matter if I lost pieces, I could reprint them.  It also meant that when I want to make alterations, I can print a copy of the original, rather than having to trace a copy.

Now that I have a projector, it also means that I don't need to print them, I can just project them!

Tools like Inkscape should help as well.

 I so hope this works.


Monday 15 November 2021

Dressings Down

It's been an up and down couple of weeks healthwise, and I've been finding it difficult to get motivated to be creative.

I had ordered some fleece for Miss Teen, to make her a dressing gown, and I also saw some fleece which I htought would give DH a brief chuckle.  I bought that too, and hid it.

I made Miss Teen's dressing gown using an adult pattern.  I think it's going to be too big, but I didn't want to fork out for a kids pattern.  I'm trying not to buy any more sewning patterns unless they definitely have something that I don't already have AND I'm definitely going to sew it up in the "near future".

I guess the benefit of making her one in a ladies size is it will last her longer.  It's only for here, so it's not exactly going to get worn out with use.  

I finished it last night.  Overall I'm pleased with it, I did a hood in this version, and I'm happy with my coverstitching. 

She wants an Oodie, or similar, for home.  I've promised to buy her a Comfy when they have them in stock in Costco (due in  end November),  as this is cheaper than buying the fabric (or throws) to make her one.   I suspect she'd prefer an Oodie for here too... ut I'm hoping the horsey fabric will win the day.  She's coming over after school

I made one for DH as a surprise.   It's a ladies pattern (Love Notions Robe pattern), but a few people seem to have made them for their male partners without issues.    I found it hard to guess what size to make,  I looked at the "finished size"  list,  and I compared it to male orientated garmenbts from the same pattern company.  I also compared it to my dressing gown (which was pointless) and to some other articles of clothing.

I cut the backs first and sewed them together.  And I had to redo it.    DH has been wathing Sewing Bee with me, and he will be appalled at the lack of pattern matching.    I wasn't sure I was going to have enough fabric to cut out another pair of backs, but I managed it all in the end. 

I also managed to overlock a sleeve on the wrong way, so I had to cut it off and then cut a new sleeve.   That wil teach me not to check before I sew.

It's all done now, and It looks OK.    I'm not sure it's going to be the right size,   but he'll smile when he sees the fabric.  At least, I hope he will.  It's too late now.

Total crafty things this year:59

Sewing based makes: 
123) Inner pad for foot muff; make cover for foot muff;  trim down Superking Duvet to KS and recover edges;
456)Cushion cover for Miss T; Gift bags for Miss T and GDK;
7)Dressing Gown;
8-10)Cat Duvet, Duvet Cover and Pillowcase;
11) Cushion cover for living room;
12-15) Sleeveless tops (x4);
16) SBCC top
17) Overlocker chicken
18) Curtains for nest boxes (4, but counted as 1 make)~
19,20,21)Boxers for DH (test pairs for sizing - counted as 1,  and then 2 pairs)
Abandoned muslin for LoveNotions Willow Wrap Dress (not counted in total makes)
22)Apostrophe Patterns Joggers (jellyfiah and space)
23)Apostrophe Patterns Flared Joggers (black, with big red roses)
24)Boxes for DH (3 pairs using black cotton lycra with patterned fly)
25)Shorten the hems and sleeves on 4 of Mum's day dresses (count as 1 task)
26) repurposed  old tee shirt as cover for mini cushion
27) Burrito rolled bag (from Jane's July Zoom)
28) Replace waistban on massively oversized maxi skirt
29) Salvage DH's Firestorm tee shirt (using stretchyfix)
30) Yet another Heartlight skirt (July) feathers scuba, great pattern matching, good fit on waistband
31) Convert single duvet cover to king size
32) Convert 1 pillowcase to 2,  and create 2 additional plain pillowcases to match
33) Dressing gown (LoveNotions Compose) (black flowers on white, brished cotton)
34) Cover for A0 printer
35) Condolence cards
36) Halftime Hoodie with thumbhile cuffs
37) Jolly Roger hoodie with raglan sleeves,  crossover cown hood, thumbhole cuffs
38) Half Tme hoodie,  larger size,  with kangaroo pocket
39) Horsey Dressing Gown for MIss Teen
40) Camo dressing gown for DH

Learning activities:
1) Scanning pattern pieces; 2) Making movies; 3)Babylock demo day; 4)Gathering using my overlocker;   5) Euphy training (circles,using elastic in looper);6) Gail Yellen's binder course; 7) Inkscape 1; 8) casting on;  9)purling; 10)casting off
Non sewing based craft makes: 
A) Painted bisque butter dish and had it fired
B) Knitted Infinity scarf, first attempt (pinks) 
C) Painted bisque small jug (hen names) and had it fired. 
D) Heart shaped plate with names of all our pet hens, and had it fired
E) Medium jug
F) Tall, "split personality" jug
G) Macrame angel
H) Felted a christmas bauble
I) Made a fused glass teaight

Sunday 7 November 2021

Sugar headache

I made Christma Puddings yesterday.  We don't know whether there will be a "lockdown" over Christmas, so I've made an assortment of sizes. I also made a pudding for my bff Y.

I also reheated a leftover pudding from last year, ready to make truffles today.

Today, I made Nigella's Puddini.  Truffles made with christmas pudding, golden syrup, plain chocolate, and Pedro Ximenez sherry.    The PX is so  sweet,  it's sweeter than golden syrup.  Ask me how I know.

I melted some white chocolate to cover them with,  and I ate what was left in the melter.

And, I made peanut brittle.   I don't think I cooked the caramel long enough as it isn't setting.  I made the mistake of testing it while it was trying to set,  and this was the final straw.  I now have a full blown sugar headache,  I have no sympathy for myself.

I'm not sure about the puddini.  They taste like... cold christmas pudding and chocolate.    DH ate one and quite liked it, which was a surprise.    

I've put four in a tub to take to Y,  along with her pudding, but I need to try and shake the headache first.

Friday 5 November 2021

Disheartening. Reheartening

Yet another china mug bit the dust last week.    This was caused by a badly placed tea caddy falling off the shelf,  while DH was getting the correct caddy down, and crashing into the mugs that were waiting to be filled with tea.

It was one of our Juliet mugs.   I bought some when they were new, and I bought them when they came up on Ebay.  At one point, I had so many that I had "spares" hidden in a second cupboard.  When I went to the spares cupboard,  there were none.    They don't come up very often now - not in the shape I want, anyway. 

They make me smile because DH and I both, independently, started a habit when the first Romeo and Juliet mugs joined our collection.   Whoever made the tea gives themselves one of the other china mugs (I also have lots of cat designs and hen designs,  but I find Dunoon make lots that I really don't like) but we always use a mug with a heart on for our other half.   It took a while before we realised that we both did the same thing. 

It's an unspoken "I love you", every single time.

We've been doing it for so many years,  and I'm struggling to work out when it started.   I think we bought the first ones from the Dunoon factory shop in Stone, when we stopped there on the canal.   That means it was after 1992, as we weren't on a hire boat.

The tea ones are very faded now through daily dishwashering.

Yesterday, I made the tea.... and there was no suitable mug in the cupboard;  the (few) we have left were all in the dishwasher, and were mid cycle.  

We do have the design in coffee cups (espresso, double espresso, and cappuccino),  and in the end I improvised by using one of the enormous breakfast (cappuccino) cups for DH's tea.    He commented on the enormous cup, and chuckled when I explained why.

Dunoon does still do something very recognisably R&J on their smaller mugs.  But the smaller mugs are too small for tea, or we don't find them particularly comfortable to hold.   After doing lots of careful comparisons, eventutally   I chose  something that is a variation on R&J, in a reasonably sized mug. 

We'll see how they go.  I can always put them at the back of the cupboard, for emergency use, until we get used to the idea.


Thursday 4 November 2021

Forwards and Backwards

We made a big step forward in getting things sorted in the living room. 

The  lovely and comfortable leather sofa has gone to a new home.    The two new (to us) chairs arrived, and everything was cleared to facilitate getting them in and sorted.  The room looks airier now, apart from the mahoosive ottoman now stored under the window.    I've put loads of the floating carp in it though (like Miss T's blankets,  the Revitive,  my various body stretching bits) so that's overall better.

I've got a pile of "project bags" which need to be relocated. 

I'm trying to find a replacement coffee table to go between two chairs (instead of the functional but big nest of tables.

This morning, a few things went backwards, so I'm feeling a little flat.  I'll bounce back.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

5 out of 4 Halftime Hoodie with Kangaroo pockets

Miss Teen came for a n overnighter, and so she was able to try on the hoody.  Ths was made a size larger than her measurements suggested,  but this was partially necessary because the faric stretch was low.

Fused Glass

I finally collected my fused glass tealight holder

Saturday 30 October 2021

Going Pop

I made popcorn in my Evo this evening. It was soooo easy, I wish I'd tried it years ago when I got my fitst Instant Pot!

I ate it all, which was probably not the best idea I've had.  I used different seasonings with each small bowl,  all of them savoury.    

I bought some seasonings from a company called Condimaniacs recently, recommended by a member of the Kitchen Gadgetry facebook group  and they were perfect.

I'm hopinh Miss Teen likes popcorn, as I'd love to show her how quick and easy it is.

Start IP on saute high,  add oil (I used coconut oil), when its hot add corn, stir to coat in oil,  and put the glass lid on.  When it's finished popping, season it.  (I took out a bowlful at a time and seasoned it in the bowl as I wanted to try sa range of flavours.

Definitely a winner.

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Clearing the Air

A lovely couple (they keep hens too,  and they keep quail!) came to collect my cabinet dehydrator today. 

It's been on my cutting table  the kitchen table since the other buyer said she wanted it, and I can't believe the difference it makes, not having it there.

It's like I can breathe again. All the fresh air and light from the kitchen window gets to the table now.

It's made a much bigger difference than I expected.  I mean, it only took up 1/8th of the table (it's a big table), but it not being there has made me want to get some fabric out and make something!  

I haven't felt that sort of urge for a while.

I cannot do that though, as I'm busy doing chores.

I've been thinking about trying to sort out the cats breakfast that is our living room.    I'd had a minor urge to do something a few months ago, but couldn't work out the whole picture and parked my plans.

 I'd been to my best friend's house recently, and her house is always so clean and tidy, and it made me more determined to try and get my own carp under control. 

Last night, something suddenly crystallised and, before I knew it,  I had the whole plan mapped out. 

The key piece, I won't do anything until the supplier has a sale.  I'm hoping that might be Black Friday.   In the meantime, I started looking for two easy chairs. I had an idea of what I wanted, and my search sharened things up quite quickly.  I kneow what I didn't want,  and I set up an Ebay search and a Gumtree search.

I found a pair that were interesting perfect, but were too much money. And a weird colour, which actually grew on me, the more I looked at neutral colours.   I kept coming back to them, and dimissing them because they were more than I wanted to pay,on a punt.  It didn't matter, I wasn't in a hurry,

And then, I saw the same set again on a different selling platform for a lot less money

So I asked for some more information.  And I asked a local chao how much he'd charge for collecting them...  and then I talked to DH about the whole project, and showed him the chairs.   He didn't wince at the colour, and he liked the idea of what I wanted to do.      

 And now I've bought them, and I advertsided my sofa, free to a good home,  and someone is coming tomorrow. (Although I'vde sometimes found with free stuff that people change their minds).

 Anyway, I've been dusting and vaccuuming the sofa (cat hair gets everywhere)  DH tipped it up so I could attempt to get the worst of the hair off the pads we'd put on the bottom.    It needs another go over.... and I've also I've also got to clean the exit routes.  You know what it's like,  you move something and find a mahoosive tumbleweed......

I'm looking forward to the changeover.

And I found myself thinking "hmm, quail.   We deferred them to the 'nect year' list about 10 years ago"



We've been seeing a bit of Miss Teen recently.  

She came to stay for a week while her Dad was having his final chemo session,  and she's been here after school occasionally to do her homework. I pick her up after school she comes here, does her homework,  we play a game, have dinner, watch tv, and then her Mum collects her (or we take her home).

She asked me to make her a hoody.      I was happy to have a go,  I've been trying to make myself do something cresative, even though I haven't felt so well. 

She picked some fabrics, and I started with 5 out of 4 Half time Hoodie for her.   The liging of the hood was handled brilliantly.  The lining was cut out the same size as the outer, but sewn with a bugger seam allowance.  This made the lining slightly smaller than the outer.   Then, the outide edge of the lining was turned in,   which made a really lovely finish. 

 I also made thumbhole cuffs, which were a bit of a pain. They were easier when I found someone else's tutorial for them

I also made a Jolly Roger Raglan  hoodie, from Paterns for Pirates,  with a crossover cowl hood.    This wasn't so great, it was a bit small (I think I probably picked fabric with too little stretch) .    Her thumbhole cuff tutorial was excellent.  Her hoopd lining was not as professional as the 5 out of 4 one.

Miss Teen preferred the Half Time Hoodie. I T was a little sad, as the raglan gives so much opportunity for uniqueness.  I decided it was a bit of a tight fr for her anyway, so I gave it to my brither to try on his grandaughter.

Annoyingly, I don't have pictures of either hoody!

I've made another Half Time hoodie now, a size larger, to give her more ease.    I attempted a kangaroo pocket on this one,  and no thumbhole cuffs.   The fabric was her choice, and this time I lined the hood with the same fabric as the outside. 

I'm waiting impatiently to see her again so I can give it to her.





Total crafty things this year:57

Sewing based makes: 

123) Inner pad for foot muff; make cover for foot muff;  trim down Superking Duvet to KS and recover edges;
456)Cushion cover for Miss T; Gift bags for Miss T and GDK;
7)Dressing Gown;
8-10)Cat Duvet, Duvet Cover and Pillowcase;
11) Cushion cover for living room;
12-15) Sleeveless tops (x4);
16) SBCC top
17) Overlocker chicken
18) Curtains for nest boxes (4, but counted as 1 make)~
19,20,21)Boxers for DH (test pairs for sizing - counted as 1,  and then 2 pairs)
Abandoned muslin for LoveNotions Willow Wrap Dress (not counted in total makes)
22)Apostrophe Patterns Joggers (jellyfiah and space)
23)Apostrophe Patterns Flared Joggers (black, with big red roses)

24)Boxes for DH (3 pairs using black cotton lycra with patterned fly)

25)Shorten the hems and sleeves on 4 of Mum's day dresses (count as 1 task)
26) repurposed  old tee shirt as cover for mini cushion
27) Burrito rolled bag (from Jane's July Zoom)
28) Replace waistban on massively oversized maxi skirt
29) Salvage DH's Firestorm tee shirt (using stretchyfix)
30) Yet another Heartlight skirt (July) feathers scuba, great pattern matching, good fit on waistband
31) Convert single duvet cover to king size
32) Convert 1 pillowcase to 2,  and create 2 additional plain pillowcases to match
33) Dressing gown (LoveNotions Compose) (black flowers on white, brished cotton)
34) Cover for A0 printer
35) Condolence cards

36) Halftime Hoodie with thumbhile cuffs
37) Jolly Roger hoodie with raglan sleeves,  crossover cown hood, thumbhole cuffs
37) Half Tme hoodie,  larger size,  with kangaroo pocket

Learning activities:
1) Scanning pattern pieces; 2) Making movies; 3)Babylock demo day; 4)Gathering using my overlocker;   5) Euphy training (circles,using elastic in looper);6) Gail Yellen's binder course; 7) Inkscape 1; 8) casting on;  9)purling; 10)casting off

Non sewing based craft makes: 
A) Painted bisque butter dish and had it fired
B) Knitted Infinity scarf, first attempt (pinks) 
C) Painted bisque small jug (hen names) and had it fired. 
D) Heart shaped plate with names of all our pet hens, and had it fired
E) Medium jug
F) Tall, "split personality" jug
G) Macrame angel
H) Felted a christmas bauble
I) Made a fused glass teaight

Saturday 23 October 2021


I had a household appliance up for sale, and was contacted by someone who lives about 40 mins away with an offer. 

I accepted the offer, and we discussed collection.  She was coming this way on -day or -day, and would be in touch at the weekend to let me know which day.

I marked the item as "sold subject to collection", and sorted out some bonus books for her.    She didn't get in touch.   I messaged her to ask how things were going.  2 days later, I messaged and asked  if all was OK. 

A couple of days after that, a craft Item I'd made at a workshop was ready for collection,  and the collection place was about  15 miinute  detour from the village/town  where this lady said she lived. So,  I messaged her  to say that I was going to be driving in her general direction to  collect something, and I could deliver the appliance to her if that was easier


I'm not cross,  I'm just a bit..exasperated.    I imagine she changed her mind,  but I do wish she'd just said.    

Instead, I've wasted two weeks waiting for her and trying to contact her,  and now I have to re-post the item.    And, I've had to mess arund the person i'm due to collect from.   

It's exasperating.




Thursday 21 October 2021


DH has been picking apples again.  Yet more from our amazing dual purpose tree,  and now loads from our russet.   The russets are only just getting ripe,  but they are starting to fall.  Our council#s green waste now bans fruit from their service,  so we are trying to use more.

There were so many this time,  something like 6 crates of them.     I helped by washing and cutting them all,  making sure there weren't any wormies or other invaders in the fruit that was passed for scratting.

The mill (scratter) and the press have certainly earned their keep this year.  It was so much easier using them than trying to do it on a smaller scale. 

We have a humungous fermenter sitting on the worktop,  full of juice and bubbling away.   It makes the house smell a bit,  so we try and have the outside doors open as much as possible.

This batch will be some form of cider. 

I'm going to try and put (some of ) the windfalls in the food waste.


Tuesday 19 October 2021


I'm always running to catch up at the moment.  Well, not running,  more like ambling a bit faster in the general direction of forwards, with the occasional loop de loop.

I had a CT scan yesterday.   There was, as usual, a problem locating my vein.   I watched my heart rate on the monitor,  the ectopic beat causing it to escalate every few beats before dropping back to something more sensible. 

Because my heart needed to be relaxed for the scan, the lovely radiologist got a senior colleague to have a look at my arms before making any attempt to stab me.  He looked carefully, and then concurred with her recommendation that they got a doctor with an ultrasound machine to put the canula in.  So it was all quick and relatively painless in the end.   I was tempted to ask him to pass his ultrasound over my diaphragm and gall bladder while he was there,  just in case we could see anything helpful, but I restrained myself.

They injected me with whatever it is (x-ray dye?),  said my heart rate was calm enough for me to not need beta blockers, and then I was motored into the tube.   As I slid in, I told myself there was no need to be claustrophobic,and no need to panic.   Then I found myself picturing myself panicking,  and then I realised I was starting to panic about panicking. 

 I managed to get a grip. and tried to concentrate on seeing what was actually happening.    I realised I was looking at the lasery bit when I read the words "do not look directly into the laser" printed on it. I averted my eyes.

The first couple of passes were easy. 

The final pass was a bit more dramatic.  The lights from the machine started going round and round, until it seemed like the tube was spinning. I felt like I was in some sort of time machine, or in a film where this represented a time machine.  

As the spinning slowed, I felt a very warm sensation around my back end and I thought I'd pooed myself.   I  remembered reading something about the process might generate a lot of heat, so I hoped that was the case.      

It was.

As I'd not had any beta blockers, I was able to change and go straightaway.

Just got to wait for the results now.

Tuesday 5 October 2021

Christmas Craft Workshop

Full of cold, and wearing a facemask to protect others,  I went to the Bergin and Bath workshop with my brother.  I've found being in the car for long periods very uncomfortable,  but this was only 45 mins so it was OK.

The workshop was in Potten End at a gorgeous nursery.    We were making 3 things, and having lunch,  in the 5 hour window.

First up was a bit of Macrame.  We made a macrame angel, and she is lovel y. I anm going to put her on my tree this year.  

I liked making her, and I might have a look at doing some other macrame stuff.  DH and I chuckled at the thought of having endless pot hangers round the house.

Next, we felted a christmas bauble.  I iked making the bauble,  I was rubbish at the decorating.   I'd try this again, maybe even with baubles.

Finally, after lunch,  we had a triangular piece of clear glass to decorate with other bits of coloured glass.  I wanted to make mine into a chicken (rather tha a christmas tree),  but I had been slow getting up to get some glass,  I couldn't really see anything that I wanted,   my back had started to ache,  I was feeling bunged up and a bit crabby,  so I just put some shades of green on.   

It'll be fired in a week, and we'll go back and collect it.

The three ladies who ran the workshop were lovely (especially the macrame lady), and it was wel worth the money and the trip out.

I'm pleased that I've been able to add something to my creative makes list,  as I've not been very creative for a while.

Total crafty things this year:54

Sewing based makes: 
123) Inner pad for foot muff; make cover for foot muff;  trim down Superking Duvet to KS and recover edges;
456)Cushion cover for Miss T; Gift bags for Miss T and GDK;
7)Dressing Gown;
8-10)Cat Duvet, Duvet Cover and Pillowcase;
11) Cushion cover for living room;
12-15) Sleeveless tops (x4);
16) SBCC top
17) Overlocker chicken
18) Curtains for nest boxes (4, but counted as 1 make)~
19,20,21)Boxers for DH (test pairs for sizing - counted as 1,  and then 2 pairs)
Abandoned muslin for LoveNotions Willow Wrap Dress (not counted in total makes)
22)Apostrophe Patterns Joggers (jellyfiah and space)
23)Apostrophe Patterns Flared Joggers (black, with big red roses)
24)Boxes for DH (3 pairs using black cotton lycra with patterned fly)
25)Shorten the hems and sleeves on 4 of Mum's day dresses (count as 1 task)
26) repurposed  old tee shirt as cover for mini cushion
27) Burrito rolled bag (from Jane's July Zoom)
28) Replace waistban on massively oversized maxi skirt
29) Salvage DH's Firestorm tee shirt (using stretchyfix)
30) Yet another Heartlight skirt (July) feathers scuba, great pattern matching, good fit on waistband
31) Convert single duvet cover to king size
32) Convert 1 pillowcase to 2,  and create 2 additional plain pillowcases to match
33) Dressing gown (LoveNotions Compose) (black flowers on white, brished cotton)
34) Cover for A0 printer
35) Condolence cards

Learning activities:
1) Scanning pattern pieces; 2) Making movies; 3)Babylock demo day; 4)Gathering using my overlocker;   5) Euphy training (circles,using elastic in looper);6) Gail Yellen's binder course; 7) Inkscape 1; 8) casting on;  9)purling; 10)casting off

Non sewing based craft makes: 
A) Painted bisque butter dish and had it fired

B) Knitted Infinity scarf, first attempt (pinks)
C) Painted bisque small jug (hen names) and had it fired. 
D) Heart shaped plate with names of all our pet hens, and had it fired
E) Medium jug
F) Tall, "split personality" jug
G) Macrame angel
H) Felted a christmas bauble
I) Made a fused glass teaight

Stuff continues

Where to start?

Miss Teen came to stay for a week. She was meant to be coming anyway, but she had to come early because she was full of cold and had to have a day off school.

She wanted to go back to school, which was a pleasant surprise.  She could have done with a nother day off really,  but I'd asked her what she wanted to do, and she was keen to go in.     It's not right to  give a teen a choice, and then overrule them, so we took her to school

The daily school run was a bit of a shock to the system,  it's been a while since we've had to get up that early.   The afternoon pick up was always amazingly early, a different time ech day,  and it meant that it was difficult to start an activity.

She had an INSET day on Friday, and we insisted that she spenr part of it doing her homework.  In fact, most of the last week has been spent trying to get homeork done, arguing about getting homework done,   explaining that the time we'd spent arguing about it was longer than the actual homework takes,  and actually doing homework. And then checking and rechecking what homework was due when, and whrther it had been done.

The homework is actually very quick and hardly taxing,  I don't understand how they can have such relatively short school days and so little homework. 

WHat is definitely worse for them (versus our schooldays)  is that they have no desk at school, so everything has to be lugged around, all day.

I made her a hoody, at her request, which took all of Saturday and part of Sunday.   We also played soe board gaes (Ingenious, Catopoly, ad Scrabble),  and we watched all 3 series of Ghosts.

There wasn't uch opportuity to go out.  I'd arranged for us to do a Christmas Craft workshop, about 30 miles away, on the SUnday;  unfortunately, her Mum organised a riding activity as well,  so she didn't come to the workshop.

My brother stepped in and came with me so the booking wasn't wasted.  I'll write a bit more about it in a separate post.

I've had Miss Teen's stinking cold for several days now., and it's just turned into a cough.  I've done COvid tests so Iknow it's not a Covid cough,

DH started snuffling this morning, which isn't surprising.

The other health stuff continues.  Another GP phone appointment, and another circle in the eddy.... nothing can be done until I've finished the cardio appointments.    At least this time I was not feeling at my worst, so I was able to have a conversation about it and I didn't feel like a small child.

