Tuesday 2 May 2023


Fay is our Fayoumi.  She  (along with Fleur, our Cuckoo Marans) is 8 years old at the end of this month.

She's a funny little thing.  She hates being picked up.   She sometimes squats,  but she resents having to do it.  She squawks like mad if it even looks like she might be getting touched.

She's lowish in the pecking order, and tends to keep out of the way of the big birds.  She's able to fly over fencing, even tall fencing, despite having a cllipped wing.    She will not stay in any area that she can get out of.  

Often, she flies over the netting, and then just sits with the rest of the girls, but n the other side of the netting.      She drives DH to distraction,  it annoys him that she won't play by the rules.   It used to irritate me,  but I realised that she doesn't do it maliciously,  it's part of her character, and I'd miss it when she dies.

For the last couple of years, she's decided she's a bit of a cockerel.  She doesn't try to tread the other girls,  but she does like to try and crow.  She likes to get as high as possible,  throw her head back, and let rip with the joy of spring. 

This morning, as soon as I let them out into the garden, she climbed to the highest possible point.


I left her to it. 
