Thursday 24 December 2020


The woodchips finally arrived yesterday

 DH barrowed some into the run and I raked them out.  I had to remember to do only a thin layer, as they tend to get slimy and smelly.    If we just do a thin layer,m we can rake out and dispose if necessary  

 We had lots left, so these have been stored in the greenhouse, and we can refresh or replace those in the run easily.  

Or use them for kindling next year, I suppose 

That part of the run looks lovely.  I sprinkled some sunflower seeds around to encourage the girls to rook.

No more changes for the girls for a couple of weeks   The next planned change is changing the panels which divide the main run in half.  But we haven't agreed a date for that yet.

My eldest brother arrived to collect his  Christmas  Dinner. 

Long before Tier 4, we could see that things might well change, so I had  ordered some individual beef wellingtons for Christmas lunch.  The goose can wait until we are able to get together.

I'd prepped and frozen carrot and swede mash, and red cabbage.  I had roast potatoes already done.   I'dmade infividual puddings. He went off with everything,  including gravy, Brussels sprout ketchup, stuffing ketchup,  and some cheese and some ginger beer.

The raw food lady dropped off the kittens food for the next 3 weeks, so they will be fine.

I'm not going to the shops now until..... next year

 I do need to go to the feed merchant to get  bag of pellets for the Girls. That could wait,  but with all the Brexit uncertainty, I'd rather do it I think. 

Maybe tomorrow .

