Monday 7 December 2020

Best laid plans

I had plans for Sunday. I'd got everything ready on Saturday for an early start on Sunday.  

Sunday had other ideas.

I woke up with a splitting headache. Not a migraine,  so that was a plus,  but a headache that was too bad for me to drive anywhere.    I spent the morning and early afternoon in bed, dozing and dosed up.

I got up at about 1.30, still feeling a bit rough.  I was worried about not sleeping at night if I stayed in bed any more.    I felt better after having something to eat and a shower, and I decided to try and make the best of things and brought Monday's tasks forward. I was hoping that Sunday migh happen on Monday instead.

I made the Christmas swede and carrot, blitzed it with butter and pepper and portioned it in pots. I even saved the cooking water to use in gravy.  Then I prepped the  Christmas red cabbage and put it in the Instant Pot on the Slow Cook function.  I usually cook it in the oven,  and this way was a much more efficient use of power.  

I did domestics like geting Raymondo the Roomba to vacuum the bedroom, bathroom, and landing, which I then washed. I did washing.   I made dinner.

I prepped again last night to today, but when I woke up, I just wasn't right.      I've had to put it back for a few days now, my window of weather opportunity has gone.

On the plus side,  we realised I - well, my car -  had a slow puncture.  I went to a tyre place in the nearby town, and got seen almost immediately. I was lucky, there was a bit of a rush on just after I arrived.

We're also prepping for the Girls to be on Flockdown from the 14th.  DH did a lot of pruning yesterday,  and I did some this morning.  We'll be putting up poles and netting over part of their free range area, and creating an auto opener/closer in their run, so that they can still "go outside" for part of the day. 

It's going to be a bit of an ugly mess,  but it's better that than have the girls going stir crazy.  With 15 of them, it's hard to provide enough stuff to keep them occupied.    Fortunately, the days are quite short anyway.  Last  time we we had a FLockdown,  most o fthe choosks were at the allotment and we managed to cover most of it in netting. We had to close off part that couldn't be netted, but there wasn't much change for them.   At home we only had 5 girls, and we used the fruit cage as an "outside" for them.   Now, with so many at home, the fruitcage contains 2 coops and is just part of their enclosed run anyway.


