The chicks Littlees are having a whale of a time on the allotment. Lot's of space, lots of grass... They have grown such a lot.
Sasso x Welsh Black (whichever of the 2 girls is carrying the splash gene) |
Sasso x Sasso |
Littlees being watched through the netting by Norman, Mrs, Rose or Ruby(Can't tell), Not Norman, and Roo |
They're very inquisitive and friendly birds. They don't particularly want to be picked up but, with a couple of exceptions, they don't seem too bothered about it when we do.
A number of them had their rings changed for a larger size yesterday. I've seen a different type of ring available now, and I've ordered some in various sizes (fro Country Fayre as they had a range of colours and sizes) as I think they might be better for growing birds. Rather than being a clip, or a spiral, these ones are a sort of coil. I think they might be better for 2 reasons. (a) If they get caught up, they will come off; (b) they will expand as the chook grows - we obviously won't rely on this, just seems to me that it'll be a bit safer for a growing bird. We'll see what the quality is like when they arrive.