After that debarcle, I was feeling rather fed up, and couldn't be bothered to do anything apart from clearaway the worktop.
Hmm. Not good. I know what I'm like, and I could feel there was a risk of me avoiding doing anything for days - so, before I finished clearing up, I made myself cut out fabric ready to make a Digistitches 5x7 zippered case.
The cut fabric and zip sat on the table for the restof Saturday, and all day yesterday. Each time I walked past it, I smiled at the fabric and my careful pattern matching.
Today I decided to give it a go.
It was relatively quick. After all, I had the fabric already cut, and I'd already made the 4x4 case so I knew what to expect.
I was really pleased with the end result.
The Digistitches cases are unpadded but are fully lined. They are quick and easy to make.
I'm going to make a bigger one I think.
They are missing one vital size - a size I already have with my Embroidery Garden case. The EG case required whip stitching, which I just can't do neatly or reliably. However, maybe I can use the technique used by Digistitches of leaving a larger bit of fabric at the open hem, and then wundaweb it together.
I had a quick look at the EmbroideryGarden instructions, and it might be possible. I'll try it.
I'm not sure which I'll try first - the bigger Digistitches case or the attempted adaptation of the EmbroideryGarden design,
I bet you can't wait to see, lol.