Sunday 5 May 2013

Sin Bin

I found a cracked egg on the roosting bars where Custard (yes, Superbitch number 2) had obviously not managed to get in to the nest box to lay (Why she didn't just go in the other Cube I don't know. Too stubborn probably). 

And I found a Lotti egg in the Pampas. 

Poppy's broodiness is starting to cause the other girls some problems.

So, I did a quick trawl of dog crates on Ebay and found one nearby at a reasonable price. I bought it, collected it, and I've set it up with Poppy in it.

The idea is to try and let air circulate around her in the hope is that she will stop being broody as she cools down.  Some people recommend plunging the bird in cold water, but I feel that something like that would be a bit of a dramatic shock to her system,  more of a punishment than anything.  She hasn't done anything wrong, she's just doing what nature tells her to do.  Normally I'd let the broodiness take its course, as long as she was eating, pooing, and looking after herself.  She's doing all those things... she's just being a damn nuisance to the other Girls trying to lay.

So, she's up off the groud in a dog crate where the air can circulate. She can see the other Girls, she has access to her own supply of food and water.

I hate it.

I'm sure she does too.
