Sunday 12 April 2020


The other day DH came back from the getting something out of the freezer in the summerhouse, and said that the summerhouse had a funny smell.

I went out to sniff for myself, and he was right.   We had a look around, couldn't quite identify where the smell was coming from. We checked the cupboards, the freezer, couldn't find anything.  We speculated that maybe something had died under the floorboards.

Time passed.  Yesterday he came in and said "I wonder if it's your chair?".  My recliner chair wsa moved into the summerhouse so that I could use my Gravity chair to keep my leg elevated above my heart.

I went out.  The smell was worse.  I sniffed the chair, it didn't seem to be that.    The fridge smelt, because we'd kept the smoked bacon in there before freezing it.    The Smell Smell wasn't quite the same smell.  It did seem to be in that corner.

I got on my hands and knees and sniffed patiently.  It was definitely in the vicinity of the fridge and freezer.   I called DH, and he moved the fridge and freezer . There wasn't anything underneath,   It was definitely osmething around thre though.   It reminded me of a pet shop.

We opened the doors to let the air through (barricaded to prevent the chickens from entering), and left it.  We got a powerful torch and checked underneath from the outside.  No dead bodies  No spills, no nothing.

It was a puzzle.

A bit later, when my nose had cleared,  I went out to try again.   On all fours, I sniffed like a dog.  And then I found a stronger smell.  The air rifle target, next to the freeezer, also smelt of The Smell.  I followed my nose, and there, on the floor,   I could see a stain on the bottom of a folded up garden chair!

I'd found it!

I went into the house to get gloves, spray, strong kitchen towels, and a carrier bag.  I told DH that I had found it.  I  pulled out the garden chair and put it on to the table on patio, and then moved the stuff in front of the air rifle target.

And then I heaved.

Two unopened packs of previously frozen raw cat food were on the floor.  They had erupted, and there were maggots.  I put the packs in the bag, and sprayed the mass of...bleurgh...on the floor   I started trying to clean it up,  but my gag reflex was too strong.  The more I tried to stop gagging, the worse it got.

DH had to do some of it while I tackled the bit that I'd seen on the bottom of the chair frame.

Eventually, it was cleaned up.  I put the gloves in the bag, and triple bagged the bag,   I sprayed and washed the floor.   We left the room to air.

God knows how we managed to miss it before.
