Sunday 19 April 2020


Yesterday was not such a good day.

For the last few days I have  struggled to work out what day of the week it is.  We joked about it earlier in the lockdown phase, but I've genuinely not known what day it was since about last Wednesday.      I know I kept thinking Friday was Saturday,    and Saturday I kept thinking was Sunday or Monday;  and today - which IS Sunday, I know this because the papers got delivered - I thought was Monday.

I know it doesn't matter really, but it isn't a good feeling.

Yesterday I also woke up with a headache after a bad night,  and struggled all day with a big dose of CBA ("Can't be bothered").    I get irritated with myself when I'm like this.  I also get irritated withe the chickens who seem to squawk more,   the weather, which was crap,  and everything else.

I *made* myself do lots of work, which included moving all* the furniture in the living room to vacuum and mop properly,  and shaking the rug outside.  I also cleanined and mopped  the bathroom floor (including sterilising anything and everything that needed sterilising),    put 2 weeks worth of cleaning cloths in some Milton before washing them .  (*all=all furniture that I could move relatvely easily).

I also made some rainbow hearts out of felt, but as I cut them all out freehand they are a bit rubbish.   This also created a ton of mess which I cleared up.

The Girls behaved really badly at bedtime.  Annie wouldn't let the rest of the Allotmenteers get into their Cube.    Sasha tried to get in to the LIttlees cube (I evicted her twice.  I couldn't get hold of her, as it's now difficult to slide the roof open because the controller and solar panel for the door opener are on there).     Annie has not been especially happy all the time she's been here, so I'm thinking she's going to have to go back to the Allotment to replace the recently deceased AnneOfCleeves.

This morning, the planes started at about 5am, and the chickens started about 6.15.  I got up, twice, to try and sort them out (the chickens, not the planes) and then I made a cup of tea; unusually for me, I went back to bed.  This was a wonderful thing, and a Big Mistake.  I didn't get out of bed until 10.30, and I could actually have stayed in bed for a few hours more.   I wasn't sleeping though, only dozing,  and I suspect I'll end up paying for it later.

I feel better today than I did yesterday, but I'm still suffering from CBA.
