So, what was it that I bought for my car, that shocked me and makes DH think the real me has been abducted by aliens?
Eyelashes for my car.
I know. I know.
I saw a car the same model as mine with them and I found myself thinking "wow, she looks really cute with those....". ("she" being the car. There is something about the car that makes her very feminine.) "...but I wouldn't have them on mine".
Then I found myself looking at my car thinking "You'd look really cute with eyelashes".
And then I found myself searching for them.
And then I bought them.
And then they arrived.
I've changed my mind several times since they arrived....and today I found myself putting them on. On the car, that is.
She does look rather fetching.
(HIghlight the missing words to reveal my embarrassing secret).