Wednesday 5 May 2010

Chicks on the Move

So, we had three Sassos hatch on Wed 28th;    the remaining four eggs (2 Sassos, 1 Australorp and 1 Welsh Black) weren't due to hatch until Saturday.  By Saturday, the three Sassos were already big chicks, so we moved them from the lunar module brooder into a temporary brooder made out of a cardboard box.

The new chicks arrived;  the two Sassos were big,  the other two are teeny tiny chicks, they look very frail in comparison.  We had them in the Lunar Module brooder, and were keen to introduce the two groups as soon as possible. We just needed the newest newbies to be strong enough.

Yesterday we decided that it was The Day,  and so we set up the "outside" brooder.  All 7 chicks were popped in together,  and they have been fine.  It's been much easier than trying to introduce them when they are older.

We wouldn't normally put them in the big brooder this early, but they seem to be managing well.
