Wednesday 11 August 2021

Cat sick

Both kittens have been unwell,  Shelby was hospitalised and put on a drip. She;s home now.

The cats ate at 9pm on Monday.  On Tuesday, neither was interested in food, and Shelby was sick.  We thought it might be the weather, or hairballs.  Both cats are long haired, so they do have hairball issues.  I have Shelby some hairball paste.  We locked the catflap and ept them in so we cold see what was going on.

Shelby was sick again in the evnening  and was sick in the night. We woke up, DH cleared it up.  When I got downstairs, she'd been sick twice more that we hadn't heard.   She was sick again.    We took her to the Vet immediately.

Bloods were taken, an anti sickness injection given, something else.  We took her home, with instructions to return if she didn't improve.

We set up a camera at the water bowl so we could see if she was drinking (she wasn't). We put another one by the litter tray  to see if she was weeing or pooing (she wasn't)

She continued to be sick. We took her back the next day, and we were fortunate to see our regular very this time.   By now, we were concerned that she might be dehyrating.     Her stomach was a bit gassy, there was no sign of constipation. Another injection.  Phone this evening, and bring her back and we'll put her on a drip if it doesn't improve.

It didn't improve, so we took her back that evening.   She went on a drip, they did more tests, nothing. She refused to eat. 

We took Lewis in on Friday, as he was also not eating and wasn't right.    He hadn't been sick, but he must be suffering from the same thing.    He had an an appetite stimulant, and came home with us. 

We were able to see Shelby and say hello, which was lovely, and the two kittens were happy to see each other.  

Shelby had bad diarrhoea on Friday and Saturday, and we were hoping that whatever it was she had eaten was finally out.   On Sunday, she  ate a small amount, the diarrhoea had cleared up, and she was allowed home.

Lewis drank a tiny amount. We weren't so worried about him, because he wasn't vomiting.   He eventually ate a little on Saturday,  and a bit more on Sunday.  He was back to normal food wise by Monday,  and he was fully back to normal this morning. 

Shelby is eating small amounts, and is still a little quiet.   

We're keeping an eye on her. 
