Wednesday 18 March 2020

Lovely village

We live in a mostly lovely village.

The village Facebook group has been busy, with pepole asking for help and offering help.   The bug town nearby has set up a FB group for help during the situation,  and it encompasses our village too.

Our Parish Council recognises that many people in our village don't use the village Facebook page,  and many don't use the internet,  so they decided to organise a village wide leaflet drop.   It explains that there is help available with picking up shopping,  phone call,  posting mail,  urgent supplies,  and how to access the help.

They asked for help in delivering the leaflets, and all streets were quickly covered.  (I did ours, ther aren't that many houses so it was easy).

I know similar things are happening all over the country, and it's great to see positive things occurrring.

(Of course we've also been warned about scammers offering help,  there will always be pond scum.)

The internet age means I can keep in touch with my brothers and my parents in one group chat.   My Uncke doesn't have internet,  so that's a phone call.   

But it's good to concentrate on the positives.
