I peeled one and took it outside to give the Girls.They love banana. They rarely get it though because its not really very good for them: a little bit is OK, but too much, and they get crop issues. I shared it out as best I could, even trying to give some to Sylvia who was on the nestbox at the time. She's one of last year's hatch, and was too busy concentrating on laying to eat. If it had been one of the older ladies, they'd have stopped laying and gobbled up the banana.
I made banana bread with the rest, on the basis that I could slice it and freeze it. It's in the oven now.
I've also got a bottle of sour milk, which is really unusual. I need to amend my milk delivery to switch formally switch another one of the cows milk days to goats milk as I consume more goats milk now. I was going to pour it doen the sink, but that seems too wasteful with all the shortages. So, I've decided to make soda bread instead. Ironically, I have whey in the fridge from making yoghurt the other day, and that was maerked for soda bread. I'll have to make something else with that.
A lovely pair of chaps have set up a fruit and veg stall at a pub in the neighbouring village. I went today to get a few bits, and I took a list from my neighbour who is self isolating. People seemed to be buying quite a lot of stuff, but I guess they might just be buying for more than one household. I bought very little, and I was acutely aware of what I was buying (4 medium potatoes, a cabbage, a lettuce and a squash, plus a couple of swedes for the chooks at the allotment.).
DH is digging up the remainder of the ropey parsnips today. This is the first time DH has grown ropey parsnips. Usually they are amazing, and we eat them in huge quantity over a short period of time (parsnip soup, parsnip bread, parsnip crisps, parsnip chips....). This year they weren't great, and we left a load in the ground. We'd kept talking about digging them up and doing something with them, but the likelihood is that we'd have left them in the ground to rot. That's not really right, under the current circumstances, so we're going to salvage what we can and peel, blanch and freeze them.
With non-food stuff, it's really hard to know what to do. I don't want to panic buy or buy stuff unnecessarily.... I do want to support those shops and businesses who are trying to keep going. Everyone will have to stop at some point, and I want to support those that I can, while I can.
I've been trying to buy stuff that I woud have bought anyway, in the sort of quantities I would have bought anyway.