We've had one of those.
We brought the brooder downstairs because Number 6 was on his own, and because we were concerned that he might not make it anyway. We thought it would be helpful for him to see us milling about, and it would be easy for us to check up on him.
We imprinted on him.
We were trying to watch TV, when the cheeping started. We went out to check him. He was fine, he shut up when he saw us We went back to the TV.
It started again.
We tried ignoring it.
It got worse. I was concerned he was going to get himself too worked up. I went to see him. He was standing in the water trying to look out. I dried him off and put some crumpled kitchn towel in for him to sit on. He settled down. We moved the water round so it was no longer by the door.
The ambient temperature was too cool for us to take him out of the brooder and bring im in the living room. A few days ago it was hot enough that we could have done that for a short time. Not now.
I went and found one of my treasured stuffed toys from my memorabilia box, kissed it goodbye, and put it in the brooder. He didn't like it. I left it anyway.
DH had the bright idea of putting the radio on, next to the brooder. It worked.
Number 6 was asleep with his head on my stuffed dog.
This morning, DH removed the kitchen towel and rescued the toy dog. Number 6 started cheeping immediately. I put the dog back and he quietened down.

Now he's busy catching up on sleep. He's asleep for a couple of minutes, awake for a bit, asleep for a bit. He's catching up on all the sleep he missed yesterday evening.
We're going to move his brooder into the big brooder today. It's a lot earlier than we planned, but he really needs company.