Siouxsie and her sisters, NotNorman and Pogo (and their half sister Norman) were all absolutely stunning girls. They laid small, shiny eggs; they were all of good temperament. Their parents were sold to me as Dorkings, but we think there was something not right in the parent's parentage. The resulting chicks markings were spot on, but they were small, had yellow legs, laid brown eggs, and didn't have 5 toes. It didn't matter though, they were lovely girls.

When Henry was the cockerel, she avoided catching his eye, and none of her eggs were fertilised. She was very much near the bottom of the pecking order, probably due to her small stature, her good nature, and her advanced years.
Since Bertie appeared on the scene, she went from being bottom of the pecking order to being much nearer the top. He favoured her somewhat, which I regretted little; at 8 years old she didn't really need the attention. The change in status was good to see though, and at night, she would be perched right next to Bertie.
One of our hatched eggs this year was from a Siouxsie egg. and it's the first time we've ever hatched from them. I really hope it's a girl.
DH had to do the deed, and was very upset by it. Siouxsie was such a sweet, unassuming little hen, she had a special place in his heart.
She will be very missed.