We couldn't go yesterday (Saturday) so I gave my tickets to my cousin's wife, B, and daughter, Miss . Miss T is just learning to ride, and she's about the age when I first went to RWHS (co-incidentally it was Miss T's Nanna, my aunt, who took me).

B and Miss T returned my tickets last night. It's my cousin's birthday today, and I managed to complete my cousin's birthday card, just in time for them to take it home with them.
Like my DSIL, he loves fishing (as does his daughter, Miss T), so I used the same template as I used for DSIL's card.
I changed the child into a girl by using pink. Luckily for me, Miss T has short hair, so I didn't have to try and lengthen it!
I also learned from my experience creating DSIL's card, and used a light colour for the text.
Today I've been attempting to create a pattern from an existing T shirt. I've done the back piece, and it's looking quite reasonable (so far anyway). I've still got the front and the sleeves to do, and these are both much trickier because they are gathered.
The picture is from my first attempt at this on Thursday. . I wasn't sure I'd got the method right for dealing with the shoulder seam (which you can't get to in the first tracing).
I ended up cutting the pattern out and laying it back on the tee shirt, just to see if I had got my alignment correct. I did a bit of a happy dance when it worked!
I redid it all today on fresh pattern paper (luckily for me my roll arrived on Friday), and I used my learnings from the first attempt (for example: put in more check measuring points, and put them in at regular intervals, to make it easier to align the adjustments). It looks OK, although I am itching to cut it out to check.... I can't do that yet, though, I still have to draw on my seam allowance lines, and I want to wait ungtil I've got the front done too.
The front (and the lseeves) are a bit trickier, because they have gathers. This means there will be fair but of adjustment drawings to do, and I just need a bit of time to psyche myself up.
I suspect I'm also procrastinating,because once I've got the pattern pieces......well, I'll have no excuse.