The resulting case was still very thick (so thick that I couldn't quite turn the bottom corners out), but it was otherwise OK.

I could only find heart shaped kam snaps in that particular shade of pink and, of course, I put the blumming thing on upside down. It wouldn't have been noticeable on a round snap. Never mind.
Finally, I thought about the strap. I tried to make this in the denim, but it was just too thick and bulky. So, I used the ballerina fabric, and this worked really well. I had no idea how long it needed to be. I put out a call for help, could anyone measure their 10 year old child and tell me how long the strap needed to be? - and got no help and some unhelpful comments.
I found the leftover pink vest I bought for my neice's daughter, so I measured that... then I measured my husband (no boobs), and picked a length somewhere in the middle.
Miss T. loved it. Really, really loved it. It was a bit long, mainly because she is only 8 not 10 (rolls eyes) but it still fit for purpose.