The children sometimes ask what DH and I have been doing, and we rarely have a sensible answer. Partly it's because our day to day lives seem relatively unremarkable, and we have enough trouble remembering what we did yesterday, never mind last week or last month.
I was thinking about this a f couple of days ago, so I decided to try and make a note of things I had to do for a couple of days, and I updated it (when I remembered) with additional things I'd done.
I was a bit shocked by the length of the list after 2 days. In some respects it was "reassuring" to realise that when I talk about "pottering about", I do actually achieve quite a lot; and in other ways it was a bit overwhelming, as I had thought that I didn't really
do anything any more.
You may be relieved to know that I shan't be boring you with a list of the minutae of my life. That doesn't mean you get away scot free, I do have a couple of things to bore you with:

First is that I ran up, in record time, a tiny duvet cover and pillow
case (complete with an Oxford trim) . I even put beautiful heart shaped
kamsnaps on the bottom, and made a "duvet" out of some pet bedding to
go in it. It is soooo sweet.
Actually, I should have made the cover wider so it draped over the side
of the bed frame. If the cats ever do deign to use it as a bed, I'll
make another one. And yes, those of you who can sew will be thinking
"That's really easy". Well, yes, it was. In hindsight.
keen to tackle my Superking sized duvet cover, and I've booked myself
on an Overlocker course as I think Overlocking may make the whole thing
much easier. It's taken me a looong time to book a sewing course of any
sort, mainly down to a lack of teachers offering the right sort of
courses in my area.
You may remember me mentioning the pencil case that I was trying to make for my granddaughter? Well, I had my second attempt. It was beautiful. Andthen I managed to snip an important thread. Right at the finish, after I'd turned it all out, removed the stabiliser, pressed it, whipstitched the opening, pressed it again.
I haven't had the enthusiasm to make it again, but I
will do so.
I've got another project to slip in first.
The sewing area inches (or, perhaps I should say "centimetres") towards completion. The wall unit should be arriving tomorrow. The new desk top arrived yesterday. It weighs a ton.
We're definitely feeling like a couple of old farts as we try to manouevre it to do anything. We took it outside so DH could cut it to size, then we put it in the summerhouse as it was raining. We got it out again today, and DH has routed the edges. Then we put it away again. It needs protecting with Danish Oil and then sanding, before it's ready to install. Installation will be a bit fraught and, as I'm also swapping desks with the kitchen table and so poor DH actually has to fit 2 desktops, I expect the air will be blue and we'll have a bit of a heated discussion about things. There's no rush
Unrelated, the replacement glazing for our french windows was ready, it's been a long time coming. We wanted to have a panel with a hole for a cat flap in (our existing cat flap opens on to the driveway, and is an encouragement for Wash to go off to the main road). While we were at it, we decided to have internal blinds in the glass, which meant
both panels needed replacing. The chap we chose to do the work was very busy, then there was a problem with the units and the delivery date was put back....
They were fitted today, and DH installed the cat flap and we registered both cats with it. This time we've gone for a Sureflap. We're happy with the other one, a PetSmart one, just fancied trying the competition as well. Wash learned how to use it - mostly - very quickly. Izzy refused to go anywhere near it. We had lots of fun sitting/lying either side of the cat flap trying to get them to get on with it.
Wash was allowed out on his own, without Jacky, for the first time. After about 20 minutes of exploring the garden, he leapt up on to the fence and visited next door's garden. He came back eventually, unfortunately we had the back door open so he didn't use the cat flap to get back in. He's worn out now, and is flopped out on the bed to recover.
I want to see him coming and going before we finally dismantle the enormous cage in the living room (and get rid of the litter tray in there). I'm really looking forward to it going.