The Eglu is now built, and positioned on the vegetable bed (thanks to DH, all I did was lift the finished article when he asked me to).
We had to dig up the remainder of our parsnip crop, all in one go, to accomodate the Eglu. Home grown parsnips are far superior to shop bought, as long as they are served almost immediately - before the sugar turns to starch. We had quite a lot of parsnips left in the ground..... we're having a very parsnippy dinner this evening. Curried Parsnip and Aple soup with Parnip Crisps, served with Parsnip, Parmesan and Sage bread.
Is it possible to o/d on parnsip?
Well, the soup was lovely, very velvety, but more curried than parsnip.
The parsnip crisps were great, and the parsnip sage and parmesan bread was fantastic.
An excellent combo, definitely have it again.
We had to dig up the remainder of our parsnip crop, all in one go, to accomodate the Eglu. Home grown parsnips are far superior to shop bought, as long as they are served almost immediately - before the sugar turns to starch. We had quite a lot of parsnips left in the ground..... we're having a very parsnippy dinner this evening. Curried Parsnip and Aple soup with Parnip Crisps, served with Parsnip, Parmesan and Sage bread.
Is it possible to o/d on parnsip?
Well, the soup was lovely, very velvety, but more curried than parsnip.
The parsnip crisps were great, and the parsnip sage and parmesan bread was fantastic.
An excellent combo, definitely have it again.