The grass between the back door and the chicken run is now virtually non existent, and the resulting track gets very muddy with a little rain. So, a proper path was required.
Three weeks ago we ordered the paving, which was finally delivered yesterday. DH set about laying it immediately.
All was going relatively well, then this morning our garden decided to throw up one of its surprises. We've done a lot of digging in this garden, and are always amazed at what the previous occupants have buried. We've uncovered bike wheels, a bike frame, and handlebards (in varying part of the garden), pram wheels, the bonnet of a small car, some bits of a landrover....
Today we think we discovered a pram or a pushchair. DH spent a long time trying to get it out, but we could see that it was going to tear up alarge tract of garden either side of the path. Unusually, we went for the quick and dirty solution: DH used an angle grinder to cut off what we needed to cut off to get the path laid.
I can't understand why the previous occupants buried so much scrap. I mean, how is it easier to bury that stuff than to take it to a tip or something?
Three weeks ago we ordered the paving, which was finally delivered yesterday. DH set about laying it immediately.
All was going relatively well, then this morning our garden decided to throw up one of its surprises. We've done a lot of digging in this garden, and are always amazed at what the previous occupants have buried. We've uncovered bike wheels, a bike frame, and handlebards (in varying part of the garden), pram wheels, the bonnet of a small car, some bits of a landrover....
I can't understand why the previous occupants buried so much scrap. I mean, how is it easier to bury that stuff than to take it to a tip or something?