Monday 2 January 2023

Dressing Down

Took the tree down today.

It didn't take long as of course the lights stay on it.    DH took it apart and squashed it into its bag.  I was a bit surprised it fitted, but I guess the branches were squished up and will need floofing again next year. 

I only had a couple of other items up - a mantle across the curtain pole,  a hanging decoration in the kitchen, and the cards = so that was also rapid.

There were a few "needles" from the tree, which Roberto is busy vacuuming up, but no real mess to speak of.    

I'm still undecided about fake vs real, and I'm not sure what my decision will be for next this year.

Miss Teen's mum had bought us a lovely poinsettia, which she's done for a few years now.  

The red fronds are glowing in the low sun, it's really pretty.

I thought I'd be seeing her tonight, but it turns out I've got my days mixed up.  I was convinced it was Tuesday and that everyone is now back at work,  (It's Monday, and its a Bank Holiday in lieu of New Years Day)
