Friday 20 January 2023

Clever Boy!

My husband is amazing.

He has built me a new projector stand, with easy use screws to make tweaks to the projected image. I can adjust left front, right front, back, and I can adjust the height of the projector too.

My projector had been mounted on a small electric table, stored underneath our kitchen table.  It was a fab find, and a fab idea.... but not always great in practice.  Last time I tried to use my projector, the settings were way off. I later learned that an upgrade to Adobe had caused this.

It had been very difficult to readjust, and I'd ended up wedging stuff between the back of the printer and the stand because there was a wobble which was magnified upon projection.

I'd seen on the projector group that the hubby of one of the US ladies had built her a stand (and her projector was the same as mine).   I asked DH if he could build me one, and he did  - with the improvements of the easier adjustability.

I've just been calibrating it. Firstly, to make sure that everything is square (the projection doesn't flare out),  and then - and only then - adjusting to make sure it is projecting the correct size.  The projectors for sewing FB group i'm in provided a fab template to project, which made thus relatively straightforward. Fiddly, but not difficult.

Finally, when I thought I had it right, I found one of my printed PDFs, projected its PDF version, and matched the two up.  Success!

I'm particularly pleased because it means I also have a bit more freedom now.  I can move the projector on to our breakfast bar, and projected onto a cutting mat over there.   This is great if I have a long piece of fabric to work with as I can access 3 sides easily.   It'll work over there for things like tops,  but not for trousers or maxi skirts.

I haven't put it away yet.  I know he'll get a kick out of seeing it out and being used :-)

He's a clever lad.
