Wednesday 15 December 2021


I've not manage to muster enough energy/enthusiasm to make anything, even on the days when I had managed to clear the cutting table.   I haven't done any cards, not even any of the Air Ambulance ones that I bought.

We decided we had better get on with getting a tree.   I had contacted a couple of places, and no one seemed to have any Fraser Firs left.   We went to the Christmas Tree Farm, but they too were sold out.  

I thought about buying an ultra realistic, prelit, artificial one.  It wouldn't be delivered for a week though,  so I hummed and hawed,  and decided to just get a Nordmann.  I'd look at the ultra realistic ones and see if I could get a price-reduced one after Christmas, ready for next year.

The Nordmanns at the farm seemed a bit...dry, so we went somewhere else.

We stood in a Nursery greenhkuse, the suze of an aircraft hangar. We had a lively discussion about what size to get.  The ones I liked were "too small" (in DH's opinion),  and the ones DH liked were "too big" (in my opinion).  

In the end, we got one and, as soon as we got it home,  DH cut the base and stuck it in a bucket of water overnight.  This morning, we put it in the stand,  and we had to laugh at the size of it.

The height is fine,  DH was absolutely right about that..... but it really is w i d e.    We are so used to the compact Frasers,  that the girth of the Nordmann has come as a bit of a shock.

The kittens are very excited, and have been investigating their latest toy,

We're letting it relax for a while before we think about decorating it.   I'm hoping to let it relax for aquite a while,  because  I need to be able to get to the curtains behind it.  I'm expecting some thermal curtains to arrive today. They are a FB purchase, and I'm going to put eyelet tale on them.  If the tree is decorated,  we won't be putting the new curtains up!

In the meantime, I've been trying to do some prep for Christmas dinner.  I made a mountain of braised red cabbage the other day,  which is now portioned and frozen.  Plenty for Christmas and plenty of individual portions for me  for a few weeks. Or months.

I'm going to do swede and carrot today.   I didn't have enough tubs/freeezer space to do it at the same time as the red cabbage.

I'm off to do that now....
