By the time I'd had my bath, I was aching. I told myself that I would NOT have forgotten to turn on the fence, I wold have done it automatically. EVERY TIME I have driven back to the allotment, this has been the case.
At about 11pm. I got into bed. I couldn't shake the "Did I?" feeling. I KNOW that every previous time, it turns out I did turn the fence on.
But this time, I had just fallen off a ladder, was trying to carry the damaged ladder and all the tools, and I was a bit preoccupied. Maybe this time I really had forgotten?
"What would be worse?" I reasoned. "Getting up, driving to the allotment, walking over to our plot, and findind that the fence was ON?.... or finding out tomorrow that all the birds have been foxed?"
When I put it like that, I knew I had no option.
I was cream crackered, my leg hurt, it was dark. I put a coat over my jim jams, put my bare feet into my garden shoes, and drove to the allotment.
When I switched on the torch and started walking to the plot, I wished I'd got dressed. What if the PCSOs were called out, and they came to investigate?
Of course the dratted fence was on.