Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Old Habits

The Girls have got themselves into some lazy habits.

For a long time, it was so hot that all they could do was lie around in whatever shady spot they could find.  The grass gradually died off and went brown, and there was no foraging worth having.  Their days were interspersed with me coming out of their house to give them vegetables, or water, or frozen peas to put in their water, or whatever.

Then the weather changed and the grass regrew, really quickly.  We mowed it 10 days ago, and that should have given them tasty tips of freshly mown blades to nibble.  They did, a bit.  But not a lot.  They continue to lol around in sight of the kitchen. Except for when it was raining, when they would sit around in the covered run and watch accusingly.

They've all started to moult and are in different stages of undress, and are keeping their distances accordingly.  Fleur, the Cuckoo Marans, is furthest along.  The picture is from a few weeks ago when she had started to shed.   She's full of new feather growth now, and avoiding any contact with anyone.

In the last 10 days the grass has gone berserk, and we will be cutting it again on Saturday.   In the meantime, the weather is mostly pleasant.   The girls have been lolling around under the pampas digger huge craters as they try and dislodge some of the dead feathers (or perhaps to soothe their skin from the newly emerging ones).

They aren't doing much at all.

Mind you, I'm not either, so I guess it's a bit like the pot and the kettle.

I managed to remember to take a picture of one of the two skirts I hemmed the other day.  I used the selfie stick thing and a mirror.

That reminds me, I really must get around to doing that thing with the cats - the thing I actually bought the selfie stick for!
