Thursday 16 January 2020

Jackets and Collars

Some weeks ago we introduced them to collars, and they accepted them much more quickly than we expected.  We've had to replace one already.

Less than a week ago, the day after they had their 2nd jab, we introduced them to Jackys.

When Wash was recuperating, I bought him a fabulous jacket from Mynwood Cat Jackets so that we could take him outside without him running off.  We thought it would be good to introduce the kittens to Jacky so that we could take them outside on leads before giving them free access.

I ordered 2 Mynwood jackets for them, for their size.  This time I went for fluourescent ones,  I'll get something more low key when they've grown.

We let them placy with the jackets first,  and then put them on.   Shelby was a complete drama queen.  Lewis was walking like a Hackney pony,  lifting his feet really high like he was walking in porridge.    The first day, they had them on for 5 minutes and that was it.    From day 2, each time they had Jacky put on, they were carried outside.   They were shown to the chickens,  they were allowed to sniff the air and catnip.  And then they came in and had to wear Jacky for an increasing length of time.   In between times, both Jackys are on the foor in the living room,  and they play with them.

They are now walking normally when wearing them,  so it won't be long before we let them put theur paws on the ground outside.   

Before then, we want to get them used to wearing their loc8tor tabs on their collars,  so that will be happening later today.
