I said I'd collect the next day. So, on Wednesday, I braced myself, and collected the ashes. DH was out until mid afternoon, so I did it as part of a circular tour doing errands in the morning.

Later, we opened the box together. Inside, there was a smaller box, locked into a cut out in the big box. Inside that, was a plastic bag containing the ashes. Underneath the smaller box was an organza drawstring ba which intelsf contaimed a folded plastic bag. . We thought that maybe the idea was to double bag the ahes, and then put them in the organza bag.
I opened the organza bag and pulled out the plastic bag, to do just that.
Inside were clippings of Wash's fur.
It was completely unexpected.
Caught unawares, a surge of emotion.
I opened it again just now, to take the picture. It was OK this time.