Wednesday, 18 September 2019


After my last blog entry, I felt motivated enough to attempt to clear the sewing table.  I felt seure that clearing the table would free my mind, and I'd be motovated to sew,

Nearly.  Not quite.

I moved a whole load of stuff off (mainly crboard templates, and some random patterns which I squished up and stuck in an A1 hangaplan.   I couldn't put them away, as putting them away required a heavy duty hook to be drilled into the wall in the upstaurs bedroom.   Still, I got them off the table. And I moved the clean washing,  and some other random bits.

Then I had breakfast, and DH tried his home grown, home pressed, home pasteutised tomato juice for the first time... and declared it good.  Even better than the pre pasteurised pressing.  This is fab news, as it means  we'll get real valie from the tomatoes,  and my 500ml Weck flasks will come in handy at last.

We had to work out where we were going to store many such bottles, and it was going to require a bit of a reorg.    This morning, poor old Wash had to go to the Vet for x-rays/   When we got back, I did some chicken stuff (including trying to feed all of them corn kernels,  which worked reasonablywell as Fleur was no where to be seen.

DH had to go out this afternoon, so I got on with the reorganising,  rying to take my mind of Washy.   It took a looooong time,  it was like one of those puzzles with sliding pieces.   I put some saved bottles into the recycling,  I revamped my "glass jar" storage, moved stuff in the utility room, blah blah blah.   Anyway, it's all done now, and it all looks very organised.    I give it a week.

It's a good job I had cleared the sewing table, because it's right underneath the jars, and it was covered in stuff under review today.    Most of the stuff has gone now, but there are a couple of items I've posted locally to see if anyone wants them before they go in this week's recycling.

The Weck jars have just finished being spruced up in the dishwasher, and are ready for juice tomorrow.

We collected Wash this evening, and he's back in the big crate for tonight.   From tomorrow he doesn't need to be crated, but he's not allowed outside for a few days until his insulin levels stabilise.

I'm trying Feisty Tapas (Maria Bravo) pressure cooked meatloaf for dinner tonight.  I didnt have a loaf tin that fits inside the pressure cooker.  Or, more accurately,  the one loaf tin I had that would have fitted was too good to do it to.   I had an insert  thing from my old Kuhn Rikon pressure cooker, so I've tried using that instead.  Who says meatloaf has to be loaf shaped?!

