The LIttlees were full of glee and ran, as a flock, to their old ranging area (our "lawn"). Sasha arrived soon after, intent on getting to the bird feeder area, and the little ones ran off, as a flock, somewhere else.
They decided to try and explore the Big Girls area..At first it was OK

Fleur was around the other side of the garden, and hadn't yet realised what was going on. Fleur continues to go nuts when she sees the Littlees, hurling herself at the netting in an attempt to peck them.
It was OK. The odd squawk as someone got in the way of someone else, but actually both groups were so happy to be allowed somewhere else that their paths didn't cross too often.
Then Fleur arrived.
Four of the Littless fled. She managed to get Summer, on her own, in the covered run. Fleur didn't attack, she was pacing up and down keeping Summer cornered. Summer was panicking and shrieking. I went in and stood between them so Summer could escape.
The LIttlees had all returned to the safety of Pampas in their normal area.
I'm washing floors downstairs at the moment (when I'm not typing), so I'll leave the areas open for now.