Friday 20 September 2019

Three flocks.

We're continuing to give bothe the Oldies and the LIttlees the full run of the garden for most of the day.   For a part of the day, I put netting up to keep them in the others' run.  This gives the Littlees an opportunity to explore the Oldies area without getting molested.

Mostly, things are quiet.    They are mainly going round in 3 flocks.  The Gang of 5 Littlees,  who beetle around in an arrowhead-shaped flock;  The pair of OldestOldees, Poppy and Gloria,, who are both 8 uears old and  moulting and really can't be doing with anyone;  and the 3 Younger Oldees, Fleur, Poppy and Fay. 

The three groups move around the garden, mostly avoiding each other.  Fleur continues to be a problem, attacking the Littlees at every opportunity.    

I expect we'll have more skirmishes when we try to put them all together permanently.  ANother few weeks before we get to that point though.
