Friday 13 September 2019

Good neighbours

Our lovely neighbour popped round the other day to tell us that she was thinking of moving.  I cried.

We moved the Littlees from our back lawn, so that it would be less off-putting for potential purchasers.  They are still in the back gardem, but their run now adjoins the older girls run.  I mentioned this the other day, so I won't go through it again here.

DH and I walked to Pilates this morning.  (I'm trying to restart now that my health is improving).  By the time we walked back an hour and ten minutes later,  a For Sale board had gone up.

I decided we should do something about our front garden, again so that we didn't affect the kerb appeal for her.      We raked out the front bed, and piled four bags of bark chips on it.  It instantly looked better.

I also spent some time hoeing the weeds out of the driveway paving,  and sweeping up the plant debris that had got everywhere.   It was very hot,  I was already cream crackered after Pilates,  and 30 mins in I'd had enough.

I'm not aiming for perfection,  nor even "neat and tidy",  I'm just aiming for "not too embarrassing".

There's more to do, but that's a job for tomorrow.
