Friday 15 February 2013

Into the lions den

Whilst DH was doing the Run I was busy doing those horrible garden tasks that are best done in sunshine.   Emptying buckets which had a bit of something gardeny in, but had been left out all winter and were now full of stinking water, that sort of thing. Then scrubbing said buckets. 

I fenced off an area by the fence where there was a newly pruned bed, and put Tilda in there for a bit of a treat.   She stood by the fencing looking out,  like a prisoner, wistfully.

I got her out and let her wander round the un-netted garden.  She spent a bit of time under my feet until she decided that she didn't really like all the water.  Then she went and stood by the other Girls' area, looking in through the fencing.

Against my better judgement, I picked her up and put her in there, and she scurried under the Pampas grass.   I kept an eye on her as I was working in the garden.  Custard, one of her two main persecutors, ambled past and espied her.  She waked deliberately into the Pampas.  I stayed where I was, lifted up my arm with a brish in my hand, ready to throw.    Nothing happened.

Later, Milly (the most spiteful hen I've ever met, and Tildas number one persecutor) emerged from laying an egg,  and saw.  She sat next to Custard.  Both of them were close to Tilda, but there was no physical contact.    I carried on working,  but keeping one eye on Tilda.

Much later,  all 6 of the other Girls were round one side of the Pampas, and Tilda was on her own round the other side (where she had been all the time).

Even though I'm now inside, I'm watching throught the kitchen window to make sure everything is OK.  

Goodness knows what will happen at shutting-in time.   I guess I'll have to see what Tilda thinks she wants to do.  I hope she doesn't have any plans of going in the Run with the others.....
