Tuesday 23 January 2024

Ear Ear

I had my appointment today with the paramedic.

Its likely ,y Eustachian tube is blocked.   He said to buy an Otovent and to use Beconase.  If the Otovent hadn't worked in 2 weeks, phone for a phone consult and to get a referral to ENT.

The Otovent is a balloon and a piece of plastic with a ball shaped end. When I saw it, I thought I had to put the ball end in my nostril.  Fortunately, it's not the case.   I have to blow up  the balloon with each notstril in turn,  holding the other nostril closed. Then I have to swallow several times.   I have to do this 3 times a day for the first week, and then more often for the second week.

It's easy enough, and less awful than it looked on the picture.

I wish  I'd just gone to the pharmacist, as I'd be a week into this already by now.

The deafness is cvausing some issues.

On the plus side, my eardrum etc is OK, so that's good news.



