Thursday 27 July 2023

Small wins.

I did some embroidery to make a condolences card for the widow of a builder (bricklayer originally)  friend.  

I also sewed something else, buggered if I can remember now, which is really annoying. 

And today, I managed to repair one of my made to measure bras!

These feel like fairly significant achievements, for different reasons.

The embroidery one was great, because everything worked well.  I also did some work prepping another couple of pieces, but I haven't stitched those out.   I attempted to buy a new embroidery machine,  but was too late.  It did help me sort our what I'm going to do (currently, anyway),  and I feel happy with my decision (currently anyway).   

If When I get my replacement machine, it will use a different format to the one I currently use, which is an unimaginable exercise in redownloading (or extracting) all the designs I own, in the new format.   And, everything will need to be recatalogued, again.   I did this once before when I switched from my lovely Janome single needle to the Brother 6 needle, so I am well aware of just how much effort it will be.

I've actually made a start already,  and I'm working through downloading (or extracting) the new format for the designs I own.  This is tedious work, time consuming, but at least will mean I can start cataloguing when I'm ready.   If I don't  get the machine I'm interested in, well, I've just wasted some time. It's not the end of the world.   If When  I do, I will be happy that all the grunt work is done.

Going through the designs, redownloading them,  makes me see all soiorts of designs I haven't thought about for years, and I've really quite enjoyed seeing what I own.

On the sewing front, I started by cutting up some old bras to "harvest" the hardware.  Today, I decided to do the repair on one of my bras, it was "just" a case of replacing the hooks.   I looked carefully at how they were fixed, and I went through my harvested goods to find one of a similar colour and size.  

 I then went to the trouble and care of unpicking the donor one. I was amazed that I'd managed to salvage it in really good shape,

Then I unpicked the existing one, which also went well.  And then came time to sew it on.  I googled  and found a tutorial which explained how to put these on, and it suggested a zigzag stitch (very short, very narrow).  The donor bra had been zigzagged, so that seemed the right thing to do. 

It was much more tricky than I expected, because the hooks got in the way of the presser foot.  I tried several feet, even my straight stitch leg, foot and plate, and it was just a mess.  Either the foot wasin the way, or the feed dogs wouldn't work, or blah blah blah.

I was amazed at my patience.   I think I managed to be patient because the problems were not of my making, and each of my decisions and attempts were done on sound principles. 

In the end I decided I'd just use a straight stitch, with a very short length,  and that worked really well.  The end result is a bit of a mess because of the earlier issues, but it's still wearable.  And I'll know better what to do when it comes to repairing the next one (which I am currently wearing).

I'm not posting a pic, because it'll look frightful in closeup. 

I'm hoping that a surge (serge, ha ha)  of sewing enthusiasm will overtake me soon, as my list of things to make is getting ever longer.
