Tuesday 18 July 2023


They say things come along in 3s. 


In the last couple of weeks.....

  1. The person who was going to buy coop and run, for whom I had kept said items for 5 weeks, was themselves let down and couldn't collect
  2. DH melted the drawer front of the air fryer
  3. The air fryer manufacturer had none in stock (but have since had stock come in. After I bought a replacement air fryer)
  4. The sky box broke, losing our recordings and our settings  
  5. Leak under the sink. obviously been going for a while, only found because I was querying water bill
  6. Orla, my lovely GT Jubilee organ, has gone kaput
  7. Roberto, the Roomba, has decided to hand in his notice.
  8. I'm having a skin reaction to the full face cpap mask
  9. My back pain has resumed, and my back has become locked
  10. The blade on my hand blender broke

 First word problems, I know. 

But it is a bit trying. 

I will look at this differently, and I will feel better.  So, here are the pros to those problems.

  1. The person who was going to buy coop and run, for whom I had kept said items for 5 weeks, was themselves let down and couldn't collect
    After a concerted effort,  I was able to help the two bits separately.   I helped 2 people instead of just 1.  And I made a donation to a Hen rescue charity with some of the proceeds.  And I met some lovely people.
  2. DH melted the drawer front of the air fryer
    At least it was only the drawer, and a replacement was available eventually
  3. The air fryer manufacturer had none in stock (but have since had stock come in. After I bought a replacement air fryer)
    I now have 2 air fryers with multiple capabilities, and the new one has a big drawer which can be divided
  4. The sky box broke, losing our recordings and our settings 
    New box didn't cost us anything.  I took the opportunity to reorganise the favourites.  Some of the stuff we had on there had been on there for years.
  5. Leak under the sink. obviously been going for a while, only found because I was querying water bill
    I'm struggling to find a pro for this. At least I found the leak now.
  6. Orla, my lovely GT Jubilee organ, has gone kaput. The company no loonger exists. Engineers are hard to find (the one I did find said it was likely irreparable, no replacement parts)
    I found the company that was the last to support Orla before they closed.  They sent me the name of my nearest engineer.    He was fantastic.    He helped me resuscitate Orla remotely. 
    Losing her, and getting her back,  reminded me why I love her.     I had realised that I would spend my savings buying a replacement, if I could find the  right model.
  7. Roberto, the Roomba, has decided to hand in his notice.
    Hopefully he will be under warranty. And, if so, at least it happened while he was under warranty
  8. I'm having a skin reaction to the full face cpap mask
    I can still wear my nasal one.    It's made me understand what some other people go through.
  9. My back pain has resumed, and my back has become locked
    I'm struggling to find a pro for this. Maybe - it's reminded me that I really do need that referral when it finally comes through.

  10. The blade on my hand blender broke
    Spares are easily available.   It was cheaper than buying a replacement (used) one
I guess I do feel a bit better.
