Sunday 23 July 2023


For some reason I decided that I needed to sort out Myshed today.

It's still called Myshed (although of course my husband says "Yourshed") even though we only have one actual shed now.    DH's shed (or n"Yourshed" as I called it, and "Myshed" as he  called it)  was removed and disposed of long ago.

Myshed became a bit of a dumping ground when we were redoing the chicken run.   The spare run and catio were dumped in there,  along with goodness knows what else.   I'd been selling off stuff, like the nestboxes, and a load of electric netting.

I wanted to get out a dog vrate, to erect a temporary hen house in the kitchen.  Elizabeth is limping, and I want to be ready to bring her in if it looks liek she's not resting it properly.

It was a PITA trying to reach the dog crates.  When I did get to them, I found we had four of them in different sizes.  I managed to extract the one I wanted,  and then I decided I'd have to sort things out.

Several hours of sweaty labour later,  and Myshed looks much better inside.  I even emptied the metal feed bin and scooped up all the spilled feed for the bin. (I've just remembered I left it in a tub on top, so I must go and get it in a moment, otherwise there will be trouble).

I've put some stuff in the bin.  I've put some items in the pile for the Tip;   I've put the Ikea bags we use for logs in the trailer in the car tent;  I've neatly stacked all the run bits, behind the feed bin.;  I sorted the netting so that each bundle stands in its own bin (netting is a nightmare to handle!  and I may need to try and sew some sort of bag to stand each lot in, to prevent the stakes getting intertwangled).

I've brought a load of things into the house to photograph to offer for free or take to the charity shop.   I've bought in one of the 4 dog crates to try and sell.  I need to get that done before the last vestiges of enthusiasm finally leave me.

I've made a pile of crates that DH needs to go through, as it's stuff that I don't feel able to make a decision about. 

