Sunday 7 July 2019

Rain stops play

And on the sixth day, it rained.

We had put thin covers on the walk in run (WIR) last night, to try and keep some of the rain out.
This morning it rained,  and we put additional covers over the run and put the electric hen (EH) in and on , but it wasn't enough.

If the chicks were a week older, it would have been OK.  As it is, they still have some fluff.   The temperature isn't an issue, but the wet is.

We had no choice but to catch them and put them back in the shed.

I had been going to dismantle the stuff in the shed yesterday, bit  I washed my hair in the morning and couldn't face getting all that dust in it.    Lucky really.

On the plus side, being chickless has meant I could rake out the run.  It's not really moveable with the GoUp attached, so it really needs it.

Hope the rain doesn't stay too long.
