My machine was fine, didn't even need a service. I'd got some fluff caught in the tension discs, and now she's working perfectly again.
I made a couple of bits for the DGDs' birthdays, A cute sheepy pencil topper for S, a bunny pencil topper for G. I made some treat bags for them (again, a sheep and a rabbit), but I had a minor glitch with the sheep... the treat wouldn't fit in. So I decided to turn them into cards instead. I had everything wrapped and in the parcel before I realised I hadn't taken a picture.
I've also made cards for our mums for Mothers Day at the weekend.
I made the Westie one first, it looks deceptively simple. It's a really clever design. I decided to try a variegated thread for the first time, and used it for the lettering. It's OK, buy not as impactful as I was hoping.

It was harder to pick a design for my lovely mum in law, but in the end I chose something quite colourful. At the last minute, I decided to try another new variegated thread for the lettering. I really like the effect, and I wish I'd used that on the Westie in my Mum's card. I'll definitely be using it again.

The machine worked beautifully, and making these cards reminded me why I like her so much.